Hajj Certificate

Plate II
(130 kB)
Source: S.W. Zwemer, Arabia: The Cradle of Islam, 3rd Edition, Fleming Revell
Co., 1900, facing p. 40.
PLATE II. pictures the quadrangular court of
the Mecca Haram, within which is the circular colonnade, enclosing the Kaaba or
Beit Allah, the House of God. Below the representation of the Kaaba is depicted
the famous station of Abraham, a stone 20 inches long by 15 inches wide. It is
in the shape of a basin, and is buried in the earth. The name of Abraham is
connected with it from the tradition that he first built the Kaaba. Below this
may be noticed the famous "Beer Zemzem" or Well of Zemzem, which is claimed to
be the water which Hagar saw, when Ishmael was dying of thrist. Around the
circle are the praying places of the Malikis, the Hanafys, the Hanbalys and the
Shafi-is, the four great sects of Islam. Around the quadrangle are 20 gates,
such as Bab-su-Nebi, Gate of the Prophet, Gate of Abraham, of Peace, of Abbas,
of the Mare, the Mule, Safa, of Farewell, of Wisdom, etc., etc., — besides
various shrines. Click on the image for an
Last edited 12/22/2003
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