These people honor me with their lips,
but their hearts are far from me.
Matthew 15:8 (NIV)
...Jesus asked him,
"Judas, are you betraying the Son of Man with a
Luke 22:48 (NIV)
Now the serpent was more crafty
....He said to the woman,
"Did God really say,...?"
Genesis 3:1 (NIV)
The followers of Muhammad show outward respect and devotion to Jesus Christ as well as
to all of the Old Testament prophets. To show this outward respect, a Muslim writer puts
an acronym after the name of Jesus Christ or one of the Old Testament prophets. The most
common acronym used is 'pbuh,' meaning, "peace be upon him." It is the English
meaning of the Arabic words, Allah's Salaam.
Furthermore, Muslim claim that Jesus Christ and all the Old Testament prophets were true
Muslims and prophets of the Lord of the Universe. On the surface, this sounds amazingly
supportive of Jesus Christ and the ancient messengers of Allah. There is hardly a religion
in all the world that praises these faithful servants of Allah more than Muslim believers.
Yet, in spite of all the verbal praise that Muslims
heap upon the holy
prophets, they are one the most vigorous opponents to
their prophetic message. They disparage and attack the
prophetic messages in the holy scriptures, claiming they have been corrupted by
Jews and Christians. So, on the one hand, they praise the
prophet?s names to the high heavens; but, on the other hand,
they toss the prophet?s writings to the lowest earth. It is
easy to be charmed by a Muslim?s praise of the divine
prophets. With atheists, there is no danger of being
disarmed. Atheists don?t believe Allah exists;
therefore, they don?t believe there were any divine
prophets. So, they don?t praise the prophets above any
other person who gives an educated opinion. But, with
Muslims, the danger exists, because they claim the Old
Testament prophets were divine messengers. Yet, subvert
the message itself and argue that the Old and New
Testament writings don?t reflect what the prophet wrote.
With respect to atheists and Muslims, the end result is
the same. Both views attack the integrity of Allah?s
message contained the Holy Scriptures.
Now, a person might wonder why it is necessary for
Muslims to reject the writings of the true prophets of
Allah. Primarily, it is because Muhammad and his message
do not harmonize with Allah?s true prophets. He is like
a discordant note. So, naturally, Muslims have to claim
that the Old and New Testaments were corrupted and are no
longer trustworthy. Because, if the Old and New Testament
writings really reflect Allah?s truth, then Muhammad and
his message stand opposed to the entire prophetic lineage. So, it
is vital to Muslim apologists to subvert the message of
the ancient witnesses. Their goal is more effectively
accomplished by effusive praise of the prophets.
We are warned by the words of Allah to the prophet
The Lord says: "These people come near to me with
their mouth and honor me with their lips, but their hearts
are far from me. Their worship of me is made up only of
rules taught by men. Isaiah 29:13 (NIV)
The prophet?s complaint was that the people
approached Allah with glowing words of praise and
adoration, but they had no use for Allah in their hearts.
Muslims might heap praise on the names of the prophets,
but they have no use for their writings. Judas kissed
Jesus Christ as a sign of intimate friendship while
betraying him to those who planned to crucify him. Muslim
may kiss the names of the prophets, but they betray their
real intent when they reject the writings of the ancient
prophets and apostles.
The first words of Shaitan (Satan) were words questioning what
Allah had said. Shaitan did not appear and attack Allah's
existence. In stead, he sought to put doubt into the mind of Eve
about Allah's words. Shaitan was clever. We need to
beware when someone seeks to sweep aside all the prophets' writings,
even if he smiles and expresses great love and devotion for
Now the serpent [Shaitan] was more crafty than any of the wild animals the LORD God had made. He said to the woman, "Did God really say, 'You must not eat from any tree in the garden'?" Genesis 3:1 (NIV)
March 9, 2001
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