The simplest way to contact us is via email. Our email
address is:

NOTE: If you have a question that requires us to answer you
directly, you must send us your email address. Sometimes we
receive requests that we cannot answer because the person who
posted the inquiry did not include his/her email address.
You may submit your inquiry to us by entering your inquiry
or comment on the following form. Most of your
inquiries and our responses will be posted on this web site
without identifying the inquirer. So, normally, we will
not respond to you directly via email. Instead, look for
your response in the Inquiry Index. However,
if you would like us to respond to you via email, it will be
necessary for you to include your email address on the
Our primary focus is to encourage participants from Muslim
countries, so we promise to respect your anonymity.
Instead of sending us your email address, we suggest that you
only select your country of origin. Lastly, if there are any errors—factual, spelling, or
grammatical, we would like to know about them. By being
informed of these errors, we will be able to improve this
Thank you for your input.