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Global Islamic News 2008


12-31-2008 TEHRAN, Iran (Yahoo) Volunteer suicide bombers seek to attack Israel. The groups claim that more than 10,000 people throughout Iran have registered as volunteer suicide bombers in the past three days. At a gathering Tuesday in Tehran, hard-liners were distributing registration forms to volunteers.

12-31-2008 TEHRAN, Iran (CNN) Fears Iranian raids will see Nobel winner jailed. Her Tehran law office was raided by government authorities on Monday, with agents seizing two computers and dozens of files and documents on her clients, who are mostly political activists, Ebadi told CNN on Wednesday.

12-26-2008 LONDON, England (Mail, UK) It's great here, says the mother of eight living in a £2.6m townhouse paid for by you. A mother of eight has told of her ‘great’ life in a £2.6million home funded by taxpayers. Francesca Walker receives more than £90,000 a year in benefits to pay the rent on the five-bed villa, plus other payouts.

12-24-2008 SAUDI ARABIA (CNN) Saudi judge refuses to annul marriage of girl. A Saudi judge recently refused to annul a marriage between an 8-year-old girl and a 47-year-old man -- a union apparently arranged by the girl's father to settle his debts

12-24-2008 AMMAN, Jordan (Gainesville Sun) Jordanian Students Rebel, Embracing Conservative Islam. Today, the search for identity in the Middle East no longer involves tension between the secular and religious. Religion has won.

12-16-2008 LONDON, England (Telegraph, UK) The Britons with us in their sights. British-born terrorists are returning to the UK after learning deadly skills in the world’s most dangerous country.

12-12-2008 MINNEAPOLIS, MN (CNN) Teen disappears: 'Mom, I'm in Somalia'. "A number of young Somali men have traveled from throughout the United States to include Minneapolis to Somalia, potentially to fight," said FBI Special Agent E.K. Wilson.

12-09-2008 LINZ, Austria (Radio Free Europe) Islam's Challenges To 'Universal Human Rights'. After converting from Islam a few years ago, James had to flee from a father who wanted her killed for apostasy -- and from Austrian authorities who instead of protecting her, suggested she resolve the conflict by returning to Islam.


11-29-2008 LONDON, England (Independent, UK) British Muslims have become a mainstay of the global 'jihad'. More than 4,000 British Muslims have passed through terrorist training camps in Afghanistan and Pakistan, according to security agencies, providing a fertile recruitment pool for the Islamist international jihad.

11-25-2008 DALLAS, TX (Dallas News) Holy Land Foundation defendants guilty on all counts. After more than 15 years of investigation and two trials, the Holy Land Foundation and five of its former organizers were found guilty of illegally funneling more than $12 million to the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas.

11-23-2008 WASHINGTON, DC (WND) Surprise! See CAIR officials get slapped with summons. When the Council on American-Islamic Relations held its 14th Annual Banquet at the Marriott Crystal Gateway Hotel tonight, it was planning to raise funds and honor some of its supporters, but instead several top officials of the Muslim lobby group were served with a summons and complaint for various civil and criminal offenses.

11-21-2008 Northern Pakistan (Star) Captors suspect Canadian `a spy': Taliban militants believed to be behind abduction of journalist in northern Pakistan. No groups have taken responsibility for kidnapping Beverley Giesbrecht, 54, of West Vancouver, along with her translator and a personal assistant. But Pakistani news reports said militants loyal to Taliban commander Hafiz Gul Bahadur are holding her in North-West Frontier Province.

11-15-2008 KABUL, Afghanistan (CNN) Two schoolgirls blinded in acid attack in Afghanistan. Two men on a motorcycle used water pistols to spray acid on girls walking to school Wednesday in the southern Afghan city of Kandahar, blinding at least two of them, military spokesmen said.

11-05-2008 WASHINGTON, DC (WND) U.S. Treasury teaches 'Islamic Finance 101': Advisers, scholars to promote controversial Shariah funding. The Treasury Department has announced it will teach "Islamic finance" to U.S. banking regulatory agencies, Congress and other parts of the executive branch today in Washington, D.C. – but critics say it is opening a door to American funding of Islamic extremism.


10-25-2008 TEHRAN, Iran (FoxNews) Lawyer: Iran Should Release California College Student. The Iranian government has no legal basis for detaining a female Iranian-American student doing research in Iran, her lawyer said Saturday.

10-20-2008 KABUL, Afghanistan (CNN) Taliban: Aid worker killed for preaching. The Taliban claimed responsibility for the death, saying on its Web site that it killed the "foreign woman" for preaching Christianity in the country and adding that it had been following the woman for some time.

10-16-2008 CAIRO, Egypt (AKI) Egypt: Sunni scholars sanction 'electronic Jihad'. Attacking American and Israeli websites by hacking and sabotage is allowed under Islamic law and is a form of 'Jihad' or holy war, top Muslim scholars have decreed.

10-15-2008 LONDON, England (WP) British man pleads guilty to failed bomb attack. A 22-year-old man has pleaded guilty to attempting a suicide bomb attack on a family restaurant.

10-15-2008 LONDON, England (Daily Mail) The BBC will tackle Islam differently to Christianity, admits its Director General. BBC programme-makers tackle Islam differently from Christianity, its director general has admitted.

10-15-2008 BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) Hundreds more Christian families flee Iraq city. The number of Christian families who have fled the northern Iraqi city of Mosul in the past week has reached 1,350, authorities said Wednesday.

10-14-2008 PHOENIX, AZ (Breitbart.tv - Video) ‘The Third Jihad’: Documentary ‘Exposes the War the Media is Not Telling You About’. It reveals the enemy our government is too afraid to name. One person who is not afraid to tell you the truth is Dr. Zuhdi Jasser, a Muslim American and former physician to the US Congress. After the FBI releases a radical Islamist manifesto describing how to destroy America from within, Dr. Jasser decides to investigate." (The Third Jihad web site)

10-12-2008 Qatar (Breitbart) Replace capitalism with Islamic financial system: cleric. Muslims should take advantage of the global financial crisis to build an economic system compatible with Islamic principles, influential Sunni cleric Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi said on Sunday.

10-11-2008 BAGHDAD, Iraq (Yahoo News) Thousands of Christians flee killings in Mosul. Christians in Mosul are fleeing their homes after a spate of killings this week that left 12 Christians dead in one of the largest Christian communities in Iraq.

10-06-2008 NEW YORK, NY (Fox News) U.N. Anti-Blasphemy Resolution Curtails Free Speech, Critics Say. Religious groups and free-speech advocates are banding together to fight a United Nations resolution they say is being used to spread Sharia law to the Western world and to intimidate anyone who criticizes Islam.


09-29-2008 LONDON, England (Mail, UK) Nine-year-old brides saved by authorities from being married off in Muslim weddings. Ministers angered campaigners two years ago by dropping plans to make it a criminal offence to force someone to marry, after Muslim groups objected strongly to the plans.

09-24-2008 SHEFFIELD, England (Telegraph, UK) Grieving family told no Saturday funeral because they are not Muslim. Harold Lemaire, a retired steel erector, died in a nursing home last week at the age of 75 after suffering a stroke. His stepdaughter Jean Maltby wanted to hold the funeral service this Saturday to allow members of the family who live outside the area to attend. But when a funeral director called Sheffield's City Road Cemetery to make the arrangements he was informed it was not allowed because the family were not Muslim.

09-16-2008 LONDON, England (Chronicles) Britain Adopts Shari’a. British papers are reporting that shari’a law has been officially adopted in Britain, with shari’a courts given powers to rule on Muslim civil cases, notably including wife beating.

09-07-2008 BRISBANE, Australia (Brisbane Times) Islam group urges forest fire jihad. Australia has been singled out as a target for "forest jihad" by a group of Islamic extremists urging Muslims to deliberately light bushfires as a weapon of terror.

09-07-2008 WASHINGTON, DC (NTA) Terror Group Urges Forest Fire Jihad. The threat of a forest fire jihad has been made on numerous occasions. This story is again another reminder to remain vigilant and immediately report any suspicious activity. Australia has been singled out as a target for “forest jihad” by a group of Islamic extremists urging Muslims to deliberately light bushfires as a weapon of terror.

09-01-2008 LONDON, England (Mail, UK) Documentary reveals hidden side of British mosque where extremist women urge Muslims to kill non-believers. During a hardline rant at the London Central Mosque, one preacher said Muslims who switch to another religion should also be slaughtered.


08-31-2008 WASHINGTON, DC (Tribune) Publisher cancels printing of novel about Muslims. Jones and her novel, “The Jewel of Medina,” are subjects of debate from Egypt to Italy to Serbia, where 1,000 Serbian-language copies were printed before the local publisher backed out, too.

08-30-2008 ISLAMABAD, Pakistan (MSNBC) Pakistani lawmaker defends honor killings. A Pakistani lawmaker defended a decision by southwestern tribesmen to bury five women alive because they wanted to choose their own husbands, ...

08-11-2008 KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia (Strait Times) M'sia warns Christian paper to avoid politics. MALAYSIA'S government has accused a Christian newspaper of breaking publication rules by running articles deemed political and insulting to Islam, and warned it of stern action, officials said on Monday.

08-11-2008 KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia (WZ) Malaysia: Government Accuses Catholic Newspaper of Insulting Islam..... Muslim-majority Malaysia's government has accused a Christian newspaper of breaking publication rules by running articles deemed political and insulting to Islam, and warned it of stern action, officials said Monday.


07-22-2008 BIRNIN KEBBI, Nigeria (BBC) 'Allah meat' astounds Nigerians. Diners have been flocking to a restaurant in northern Nigeria to see pieces of meat which the owner says are inscribed with the name of Allah.

07-16-2008 SANAA, Yemen (CNN) Child bride gets divorced after rape, beatings. Nujood Ali is 10 years old, but she already has been married and divorced. It was an arranged marriage in which she said a husband three times her age routinely beat and raped her.

07-12-2008 AMSTERDAM, Holland (WSJ) Why Islam Is Unfunny for a Cartoonist. The arrest of a controversial Dutch cartoonist has set off a wave of protests. The case is raising questions for a changing Europe about free speech, religion and art.

07-12-2008 PARIS, France (WSJ) Ruling May Heighten France-Muslim Tension. In the latest clash between religion and secular tradition in France, a court has denied citizenship to a Moroccan woman on the grounds that she practices a radical form of Islam that prevented her from assimilating French culture.

07-04-2008 STOKES, England (Mail, UK) Schoolboys punished with detention for refusing to kneel in class and pray to Allah. They said forcing their children to take part in the exercise at Alsager High School, near Stoke-on-Trent - which included wearing Muslim headgear - was a breach of their human rights.


06-26-2008 TEHRAN, Iran (OneNewsNow) Convert couple in Iran arrested, tortured, threatened. A Christian source in Iran said that 28-year-old Tina Rad was charged with “activities against the holy religion of Islam” for reading the Bible with Muslims in her home in east Tehran and trying to convert them. Officials charged her husband, 31-year-old Makan Arya, with “activities against national security” after seizing the couple from their home on June 3, forcing them to leave their 4-year-old daughter ill and unattended.

06-25-2008 ALGIERS, Algeria (IHT) Converts on trial in Algeria for spreading Christian faith. Rachid Mohammed Seghir, 40, and Jammal Dahmani, 36, both converted from Islam to Christianity and are charged with praying in a building that had not been granted a religious permit by authorities, the court said. They are also accused of proselytizing, or trying to spread the Christian faith among Muslims.

06-21-2008 CAIRO, Egypt (IHT) Muslim villagers attack Christians after disappearance of Muslim convert. An Egyptian police official says security forces have clashed with hundreds of angry Muslims who attacked houses and shops owned by Christians in a tiny farming village south of Cairo.

06-21-2008 CAIRO, Egypt (IHT) Muslim villagers attack Christians after disappearance of Muslim convert. An Egyptian police official says security forces have clashed with hundreds of angry Muslims who attacked houses and shops owned by Christians in a tiny farming village south of Cairo.

06-21-2008 ALIABAD, Azerbaijan (Forum 18) Shock at second Baptist pastor arrest. Three months after Baptist pastor Zaur Balaev was freed from prison on what his family and congregation insist were trumped-up charges, another Baptist pastor in the same remote village of Aliabad in the north-western Zakatala [Zaqatala] Region has been arrested.

06-18-2008 ISLAMABAD, Pakistan (FL) Pakistani sentenced to die for blasphemy. A Pakistani judge sentenced a Muslim man to death Wednesday on charges he insulted Islam's Prophet Muhammad, a court official said.

06-17-2008 OTTAWA, Canada (NP) Defending freedom to abuse: Police rape of Afghan boys ignored. There's not much doubt that while the Canadian military may jackboot the Taliban at will, soldiers have to tiptoe around Islamic justice that clashes with our version of the law and the consequences for breaking it.

06-16-2008 BERLIN, Germany (Spiegel) Allah and the Occident: How Islam Came to Germany. The history of Islam in Germany goes back as far as the 8th century. From the reign of Charlemagne, to Goethe's literature, to the Turkish guest workers who arrived in the 1950s and 60s and made a home here, the Muslim religion has been a part of German culture for hundreds of years.

06-14-2008 EVANSVILLE, Indiana (CP) Quran sanctifies marriage, spells out divorce. Once the divorce is finalized, the couple cannot remarry. Remarriage is allowed if the woman marries another man and is divorced from him.

06-14-2008 EVANSVILLE, Indiana (CP) Quran sanctifies marriage, spells out divorce. Once the divorce is finalized, the couple cannot remarry. Remarriage is allowed if the woman marries another man and is divorced from him.

06-13-2008 CLEVELAND, OH (Yahoo) 3 in Ohio guilty of plot against US troops in Iraq. Three Ohio men were convicted Friday of plotting to recruit and train terrorists to kill American soldiers in Iraq,

06-12-2008 NEW YORK, NY (NYT) Unlike Others, U.S. Defends Freedom to Offend in Speech. The Maclean’s article, “The Future Belongs to Islam,” was an excerpt from a book by Mark Steyn called “America Alone” (Regnery, 2006).

06-12-2008 ANKARA, Turkey (Economist) Beyond the veil. The secular and the pious march towards a new collision, with unforeseeable consequences for democracy and Turkey's chances in Europe.

06-09-2008 LONDON, England (Standard) Asian abuse victims 'being failed'. Political correctness and fears of being branded racist are hindering British authorities' efforts to protect Asian children from domestic violence, the NSPCC has warned.

06-07-2008 Washington, D.C. (Examiner) Council: Mongtomery schools cave to pressue with Islam book. "Textbook editors try to avoid any subject that could turn into a political grenade," wrote Gilbert Sewall, director of the council, who railed against five popular history texts for "adjust[ing] the definition of jihad or sharia or remov[ing] these words from lessons to avoid inconvenient truths."

06-03-2008 VANCOUVER, Canada (LSN) Mark Steyn Human Rights Tribunal "Show Trial" Opens in Vancouver. The British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal has had its first day of hearings in the case being brought against syndicated columnist and author Mark Steyn, and Maclean's magazine that published an excerpt from his book, "America Alone".

06-02-2008 LONDON, England (New Yorker) The Rebellion Within: An Al Qaeda mastermind questions terrorism. Now Fadl was announcing a new book, rejecting Al Qaeda’s violence. “We are prohibited from committing aggression, even if the enemies of Islam do that,” Fadl wrote in his fax, which was sent from Tora Prison, in Egypt.

06-02-2008 BIRMINGHAM, England (Spectator, UK) Britain's slide into dhimmocracy. The noteworthy point about this incident is that it was a Muslim police ancillary officer who was involved. He did not uphold the law of the land, which gives people the freedom to say in public whatever they want within the law. Instead he upheld the Islamist principle that this particular area of an English city was a Muslim area, within which it was not permissible to do anything contrary to Muslim principles such as preach Christianity.

06-02-2008 BIRMINGHAM, England (Daily Mail, UK) You can't preach the Bible here, this is a Muslim area. Two Christian preachers were stopped from handing out Bible extracts by police because they were in a Muslim area, it was claimed yesterday. They say they were told by a Muslim police community support officer that they could not preach there and that attempting to convert Muslims to Christianity was a hate crime.

06-01-2008 PHILADELPHIA, PA (ME Forum) European Converts to Terrorism. A minority, however, embraces radical interpretations of Islam and can pose a security risk. The involvement of Muslim converts in recent terrorist attacks has raised concern in Europe about these "converts to terrorism."


05-30-2008 DEARBORN, MI (FoxNews) Longtime High School Wrestling Coach Says Religious Controversy Sparked Firing. A high school wrestling coach in a Michigan city known for its large Arab community says he’s being forced out of his job of 35 years on trumped up allegations he allowed his assistant, a local clergyman, to try converting students to Christianity.

05-29-2008 LONDON, England (Telegraph, UK) Bishop Michael Nazir-Ali: Radical Islam is filling void left by collapse of Christianity in UK. The bishop warns that the modern politicians' catchphrases of respect and tolerance will not be strong enough to prevent this collapse of traditional virtues, and said radical Islam is now moving in to fill the void created by the decline of Christianity.

05-29-2008 BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) Marine removed from duty over Bible coin reports. A U.S. Marine in Iraq has been removed from duty amid complaints that he was handing out coins with Bible verses at an American checkpoint, the military said Thursday.

05-29-2008 VIENNA, Austria (Reuters) Iran nuclear arms research "serious concern": IAEA. Iran's alleged research into nuclear warheads remains a matter of serious concern and Tehran should provide more information on its missile-related activities, the U.N. nuclear watchdog said on Monday.

05-27-2008 TASHKENT, Uzbekistan (WND) Muslims equate Christians with terrorists. Christian missionaries are "as dangerous as terrorist activities or the illegal drug trade," Islamic theologians in Uzbekistan declared.

05-27-2008 CAMP BONDSTEEL, Kosovo (WND) Secret plans under way to tear down Christian symbols. "It is very discouraging as a Christian soldier to see our Army punish him for destroying a Quran, but then it pays a private company to destroy some crosses," the soldier said. "I feel it is a slap in the face to me, my Lord and my freedom."

05-26-2008 CAMDEN, Australia (BBC) Town moves against Islamic school. "Can I just say this without being racist or political?" he said. "In 1983, in the streets of London a parade by Muslims chanted incessantly 'If we can take London, we can take the world'. Don't let them take Camden."

05-25-2008 LONDON, England (BBC) Church to debate convert motion. A traditionalist Anglican has said he will continue with a campaign for the Church of England to work explicitly to convert Muslims to Christianity.

05-23-2008 ISTANBUL, Turkey (CD) Algeria: Court Pressures Woman To Renounce Christ. Christian could face three years in prison for practicing faith 'without license.'

05-23-2008 RIYADH, Saudi Arabia (CNN) Saudi activist seized by secret police, wife says. A Saudi Arabian political science professor who is an outspoken human rights advocate was taken into custody this week by the country's secret police, his wife said Friday.

05-23-2008 PARIS, France (CNN) Analysts foresee 'new world energy order'. A leading global energy monitor fears there may not be enough oil out there to slake the world's thirst -- and is preparing a landmark forecast that could reverberate through the global economy even as major companies announce fuel-related cutbacks.

05-22-2008 HAMBURG, Germany (Spiegel) Afghan Girl's Death Sparks National Debate. Ahmad O. stabbed his sister more than 20 times because the 16-year-old girl didn't live her life according to his values. Women's rights advocate Seyran Ates is now calling for German society to intensify its efforts to stop honor killings. "A girl isn't a whore if she goes out," she says.

05-21-2008 BASRA, Iraq (CNN) Iraqi: 'I killed her with a machine gun'. Women bore the brunt of the militias' extremist ideologies. The militants spray-painted threats on walls across Basra, warning women to wear headscarves and not to wear makeup. Women were sometimes executed for the vague charge of doing something "un-Islamic."

05-19-2008 INVER GROVE HEIGHTS, MN (ST) Teacher questions Muslim practices at charter school. Evidence suggests, however, that TIZA is an Islamic school, funded by Minnesota taxpayers.

05-17-2008 THE HAGUE, Holland (Times India) Dutch cartoonist protests his arrest for 'anti-Islamic' work. A Dutch cartoonist and political parties across the board hit out on Saturday following his arrest and detention for alleged incitement to hatred in his drawings.

05-15-2008 HAMILTON, Ontario (Spectator) Book exposes Islamists' agenda in West. It seems as if his friends and enemies alike were waiting for his book -- Chasing A Mirage: The Tragic Illusion Of An Islamic State (John Wiley & Sons).

05-09-2008 North America (BlogCritic) Interview with Joel Richardson, Co-Author of Why We Left Islam: Former Muslims Speak Out. An expert in Jewish and Islamic theology, Richarson was compelled to write this book in the name of freedom and human rights.

05-09-2008 JOHANNESBURG, SA (News24) 2 boys report mosque rape A second boy has reported being raped, allegedly by a Muslim priest at a Germiston mosque, Johannesburg's East Rand police said on Friday.

05-08-2008 TEHRAN, Iran (US News) In Iran, Covert Christian Converts Live With Secrecy and Fear. A draft Iranian law would mandate the death penalty for apostasy.

05-04-2008 KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia (IHT, UK) Malaysia angers women with travel-restriction idea. Malaysian women's groups reacted with outrage on Sunday to a government proposal to impose restrictions on women planning to travel overseas on their own.

05-01-2008 NEW YORK, NY (City Journal) An Anatomy of Surrender. Motivated by fear and multiculturalism, too many Westerners are acquiescing to creeping sharia.


04-28-2008 KARACHI, Pakistan (Asia News) Killed for “blasphemy”, now his family is at risk. Unless justice comes back to Pakistan it will impossible for a non Muslim to survive, said Rameshri Kumar, the older sister of Jagdeesh Kumar, a 22-year-old factory worker killed by his co-workers after being accused of blasphemy.

04-24-2008 Washington, D.C. (MSNBC) ‘Jihadist’ booted from U.S. government lexicon. Federal agencies, including the State Department, the Department of Homeland Security and the National Counter Terrorism Center, are telling their people not to describe Islamic extremists as "jihadists" or "mujahedeen," according to documents obtained by The Associated Press. Lingo like "Islamo-fascism" is out, too.

04-23-2008 JAKARTA, Indonesia (Reuters) Indonesian sect leader jailed for "blasphemy". An Indonesian court on Wednesday sentenced an Islamic sect leader to four years in prison for "blasphemy".

04-23-2008 TIMERGARA, Pakistan (Dawn) Struggle for Sharia enforcement to continue: Sufi. Maulana Sufi Mohammad, chief of the banned Tehrik Nifaz Shariat-i-Muhammadi (TNSM), said on Tuesday that he would wage a peaceful struggle for enforcement of Sharia in the tribal region.

04-22-2008 LONDON, England (Spiegel) The Theologians Working Towards a Euro-Islam. Leading Muslim scholars are laying the theological foundations for a "Euro-Islam" which would reconcile their religion with the challenges of modernity. But just how compatible is Islam with secular Western values?

04-21-2008 LONDON, England (BBC) When Muslims become Christians. There's a widespread belief that the penalty for leaving Islam is death - hence, perhaps, the killing of a British teacher last week.

04-21-2008 LONDON, England (Telegraph, UK) Archbishop of Canterbury: Christians victims of UK and US foreign policy. Against a backdrop of rising Islam extremism, Dr Rowan Williams said Christian groups were increasingly seen as a "foreign and aggressive presence" as a result of Western policies.

04-20-2008 DAKAR, Senegal (IHT) Boy flees Islamic school that makes beggars of African kids. The Associated Press exposes Islamic schools that use the false promise of a free education to lure children into a life of begging.

04-20-2008 TORONTO, Canada (Canoe) Maclean's case exposes Commission's flaws. What are we to make of the Ontario Human Rights Commission's drive-by shooting of Mark Steyn and Maclean's?

04-19-2008 ISTANBUL Turkey (WND) Martyrs remembered on anniversary of savage attack. Memorial for Christians scheduled in Istanbul's cathedral.

04-19-2008 THE VATICAN (Reuters) Saudi Arabian churches: a Vatican pipe dream?. An earlier fatwa by the same body several years ago and signed by Saudi Arabia’s mufti Abdel Aziz al-Sheikh, among others, had upheld the ban on all non-Muslim houses of worship.

04-17-2008 NEW YORK, NY (NY DailyNews) 'Why We Left Islam' may face Muslim wrath. If radical Muslims judge a book by its cover, there could be trouble next week when "Why We Left Islam: Former Muslims Speak Out" hits shelves.

04-17-2008 SAN'A, Yemen (CNN) Girl, 8, granted divorce in Yemen. A Yemeni judge dissolved the marriage of an 8-year-old girl to a man nearly four times her age, and the girl's lawyer said Wednesday that the court also ordered the youngster removed from the control of the father who forced her into the wedding.

04-15-2008 TEHRAN, Iran (FoxNews) Iranian Police Chief Jailed After Being Caught Nude With 6 Women. Tehran's police chief, who was in charge of fighting vice, has been taken to jail and his case is currently under investigation, a spokesman for Iran's judiciary said Tuesday.

04-15-2008 LONDON, England (DailyMail) Radical Muslims 'exploit jail staff to convert prisoners'. Extremist Muslim inmates are radicalising other prisoners at London's Belmarsh jail by exploiting staff inexperience, a government watchdog warned today.

04-15-2008 BELED-WEYNE, Somalia (AP) Murdered teacher converted to Christianity. Mr Ali was born a Muslim but converted to Christianity after meeting Western missionaries.

04-15-2008 KABAL, Afghanistan (IBN) Afghanistan parliament bans Indian soap operas. Afghanistan's parliament has issued a declaration banning the broadcast of five Indian TV serials from Tuesday onwards.

04-15-2008 BELED-WEYNE, Somalia (BBC) Man shot 'for Christian beliefs. A man killed by Islamist fighters in Somalia was shot because he had converted from Islam to Christianity, his widow has claimed.

04-14-2008 LONDON, England (DailyMail) July 7 accused 'called tourist board and Natural History Museum during reconnaissance trip to London'. Mobile phone records tracked the movements of Waheed Ali, Mohammed Shakil and Sadeer Saleem across London while they were alleged to have been visiting potential targets.

04-14-2008 LOS ANGELES, CA (IBD) Free Speech Vs. Lawsuit Terrorism. Islamofascism: Suicide bombs aren't the only chilling weapon Islamists are using in their war to the death with Western civilization. Exploiting the free world's laws on libel and so-called hate speech, they intimidate truth-telling writers.

04-12-2008 LONDON, England (IBN Live) UK bomber's last mail to his brother revealed. “It’s about time that we give up our lives and families for the sake of Islam, to please Allah.”

04-11-2008 WASHINGTON, DC (CQP) Saudi Giving at the Heart of a Great Debate Over Middle East Studies. The gifts of $20 million each were for the establishment or expansion of Middle East studies programs, but critics are questioning whether the prince’s involvement has led to pro-Muslim, and specifically pro-Saudi, scholarship.

04-11-2008 WASHINGTON, DC (CA) Pope bringing incendiary sermon to U.S.. His implied message to Islam is that the ultimate test of any faith is the freedom to choose it or reject it without fear of persecution

04-11-2008 LONDON, England (Times, UK) Spy photos reveal 'secret launch site' for Iran's long-range missiles. The secret site where Iran is suspected of developing long-range ballistic missiles capable of reaching targets in Europe has been uncovered by new satellite photographs.

04-09-2008 TORONTO, Canada (NP) Rights body dismisses Maclean's case. The Ontario Human Rights Commission announced Wednesday it had dismissed a complaint about allegedly Islamophobic articles in Maclean's magazine because it lacked jurisdiction over printed material.

04-07-2008 CAIRO, Egypt (BBC) Egypt Islamists' wait for power. The Brotherhood tasted success in 2005 polls.

04-07-2008 BERLIN, Germany (US News) Across Europe, a New Culture Clash. A gulf widens between Muslims and those of other faiths.

04-07-2008 NEW YORK, NY (US News) Secrets of Islam Glossary. A short glossary of Islamic terms.

04-07-2008 THE HAGUE, Netherlands (IHT) Court: Dutch lawmaker is entitled to make anti-Quran statements. A Dutch lawmaker who sparked protests across the Muslim world with a film criticizing the Quran is entitled to express his anti-Islamic views, a court ruled Monday, rejecting a request to muzzle him.

04-04-2008 LONDON, England (Times, UK) 'Terror plot' to blow up transatlantic flights out of London. A British terrorist cell planned to detonate suicide bombs on seven transatlantic flights over North America, causing catastrophic loss of life, a court was told yesterday.

04-02-2008 LONDON, England (Times, UK) Jihadi studies: The obstacles to understanding radical Islam and the opportunities to know it better. From a historical perspective, this ignorance about the enemy makes the war on terror unique.

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03-31-2008 W.PALM BEACH, FL (News Max) Jihad Against West Well-Entrenched, Author Says. Radical Muslims engaged in holy war -- jihadis -- are waging a worldwide campaign to advance their goals, particularly in moderate Arab states, in Russia, and in the liberal democracies of the West, according to Walid Phares, author of "The Confrontation: Winning the War Against Future Jihad."

03-31-2008 NEW YORK, NY (GP) Leftist-Atheist-Islamist alliance. Globally in recent years, Communists (leftists), atheists and Islamists are getting close and closer in forming anti West and anti American platform, which is gradually becoming a potential threat to international peace and stability.

03-31-2008 ANKARA, Turkey (BBC) Turkish leaders face court case. Turkey's constitutional court has decided unanimously that it can hear a case aimed at closing down the country's governing AK Party.

03-28-2008 THE HAGUE, Holland (CNN) Film critical of Islam dropped from Web site. A London-based Web site has dropped a Dutch lawmaker's film that features disturbing images of terrorist acts juxtaposed with verses from the Quran to paint Islam as a threat to Western society, citing threats to its staff.

03-27-2008 GENEVA, Switzerland (IHT) UN rights council passes Islamic resolution on religious defamation. The top U.N. rights body on Thursday passed a resolution proposed by Islamic countries saying it is deeply concerned about the defamation of religions and urging governments to prohibit it.

03-26-2008 LODI, CA (Gadsden Times) Many Muslims Turn to Home Schooling. Like dozens of other Pakistani-American girls here, Hajra Bibi stopped attending the local public school when she reached puberty, and began studying at home.

03-26-2008 WASHINGTON, DC (WT) Appeasing the Islamists. The Nazis bullied the democratically elected governments in these countries to censor everything that resembled what today might be called "Naziphobia" — criticism of Nazism.

03-25-2008 THE VATICAN (IHT) Muslim involved in Vatican talks slams pope's baptism of convert from Islam. A Muslim scholar who participated in recent Vatican talks to improve Catholic-Muslim relations on Tuesday slammed Pope Benedict XVI's baptism of a prominent convert from Islam as a "provocative" act.

03-25-2008 LONDON, England (Guardian, UK) Union calls for end to single-faith schools. Headteachers would bring in imams, rabbis and priests to instruct religious pupils as part of the curriculum in an attempt to satisfy parental demand for religion in schools and prevent the establishment of more single-faith schools.

03-21-2008 Saudi Arabia (CNSNews) Saudi Politicians Refuse to Act Against Defamation of Religions. An Islamic initiative to establish an international convention against the "defamation" of religions ran into an unexpected hurdle this week in Saudi Arabia, where members of a government advisory body argued that the move could force Muslims to recognize pagan beliefs.

03-21-2008 CAMBRIDGE, MA (IHT) Muslim traditions stir debate at Harvard University. A small controversy over how Harvard practices tolerance has been sparked by two issues relating to Muslim belief - whether the call to prayer should ring out across Harvard Yard and whether women should be granted separate gym hours.

03-20-2008 RIYADH, Saudi Arabia (ADN Kronos) Saudi Arabia: No churches unless prophet Mohammed recognised, says expert. No churches should be permitted in Saudi Arabia, unless Pope Benedict XVI recognised the prophet Mohammed, according to a Middle East expert.

03-20-2008 KAMPALA, Uganda (CRI) Libyan Leader Opens Uganda's Largest Mosque. Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi opened Uganda's largest mosque on Wednesday at a colorful ceremony witnessed by six visiting African presidents and over 3, 500 foreign delegates.

03-20-2008 KAMPALA, Uganda (All Africa) Libya: Bible a Forgery, Says Col. Gadaffi. COLONEL Muammar Gadaffi yesterday celebrated the anniversary of the birth of Prophet Muhammad with a two-hour speech in which he attacked the Scandinavian countries for besmirching the Prophet, the Arabs for monopolising the Kaaba and signed off by describing the Bible as a forgery.

03-19-2008 CAIRO, Egypt (AP) Bin Laden criticizes Europe for publication of prophet drawings, vows strong reaction. Osama bin Laden criticized the publication of drawings insulting to the Prophet Muhammad in a new audio message posted late Wednesday and warned Europeans of a strong reaction to come.

03-14-2008 BONN, Germany (Spiegel) German Schools Introduce Muslim Classes. German-language Islam instruction for Muslim schoolchildren helps with integration and the development of language skills.

03-14-2008 BAGHDAD, Iraq (WP) Kidnapped Archbishop Found Dead in Iraq. The body of a senior Christian cleric was found Thursday in the northern city of Mosul, two weeks after gunmen abducted him there and killed three of his associates.

03-14-2008 BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) 'Signs of torture' you can't imagine. "They took my husband away in front of me. I found his body in the morgue a few days later. He had multiple bullet wounds and his eyes had been gouged out," one woman tells me, forcefully twisting a tissue in her hands as if it somehow could ease her agony and erase the chilling memory.

03-14-2008 TEHRAN, Iran (CBS) Iranians Vote In Elections; Many Reformers Barred. Iran's reformist movement, which seeks democratic changes at home and better ties with the West, has largely been sidelined in the race after most of its candidates were barred from running by Iran's clerical leadership.

03-13-2008 BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) U.S. is sent severed fingers of Iraq kidnap victims. The U.S. military in Iraq recently received the severed fingers of five men kidnapped in Iraq more than a year ago, a law enforcement source told CNN.

03-13-2008 KREMLIS, Iraq (AFP) Weeping Christians bury Iraqi archbishop. The patriarch of Iraq's Chaldean Catholic church, Emmanuel III Delly, tearfully urged Christians on Friday not to seek revenge for the death of the archbishop of Mosul, whose body was found in a shallow grave two weeks after being kidnapped.

03-10-2008 DALLAS, TX (CC) Jihad Comes to Dallas. The Female Relatives of the Honor Murderered Teenagers Speak Out. “I have been warned to shut up. But when Yasser Abdul Said killed those girls he did not just spill Muslim blood on American soil. He shed my blood.

03-10-2008 NEW YORK, NY (CSM) Iraq War Cost Estimates Run Into The Trillions. In a book published last month, she and Joseph Stiglitz, a Nobel Prize-winning economist from Columbia University, New York, estimated the total long-run cost at $3 trillion in 2007 valued dollars.

03-06-2008 BARTELLA, Iraq (CSM) Iraqi Christians Cling To Last, Waning Refuges. Christian churches in Baghdad, Kirkuk, and Mosul have been bombed throughout the war. Now, priests and others in Nineveh Plain say they pay large sums of money to Al Qaeda-linked militants in Mosul, the provincial capital, in exchange for protection for themselves and their churches.

03-06-2008 AMSTERDAM, Holland (ABC) Dutch up threat level as brace for Koran film: ANP. The Netherlands is to raise its national risk level of a terrorist attack to "substantial," partly due to a new film made by a politician that is expected to be critical of the Koran, media reported on Thursday.

03-05-2008 DARFUR, Sudan (BBC) Slave rescue bid resumes in Sudan. At least seven South Sudanese have been freed from their Arab abductors after the resumption of an operation to rescue them, the BBC has learnt.

03-04-2008 BAGHDAD, Iraq (NYT) Violence Leaves Young Iraqis Doubting Clerics. After almost five years of war, many young people in Iraq, exhausted by constant firsthand exposure to the violence of religious extremism, say they have grown disillusioned with religious leaders and skeptical of the faith that they preach.

03-03-2008 WASHINGTON, DC (DP) Media to blame for Islamic misconceptions. The managing editor of one of the country’s biggest newspapers thinks news organizations ought to hire more Muslim reporters.

03-03-2008 AMSTERDAM, Netherlands (Reuters) Dutch cabinet may seek ban for Koran film: paper. Government lawyers are looking into whether there are legal grounds to ban the film by anti-immigration lawmaker Geert Wilders, who has likened the Koran to Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf, the Telegraaf reported, citing sources close to the cabinet.

03-02-2008 SULEIA, Sudan (IHT) Arab militias, backed by the government, return in Darfur. The janjaweed are back.

03-02-2008 DHAKA, Bangladesh (IHT) Surviving torture in Bangladesh. I was threatened at gun-point while my wife, holding my six-month-old son, watched. I was pushed into a car, blindfolded and handcuffed.

03-02-2008 CAIRO, Egypt (Fox News) Al Qaeda Deputy Leader Al Zawahiri Pens Book Condemning Militants Who Rejected Violence. Al Qaeda's No. 2 leader wrote a book published Sunday on militant Islamic Web sites in which he slams radical militants who have disavowed armed struggle and turned their backs on violence.


02-29-2008 MOSUL, Iraq (BBC) Iraqi Chaldean archbishop seized. Gunmen have kidnapped the archbishop of the Chaldean Catholic Church in the northern Iraqi city of Mosul and killed three of his aides, his church says.

02-29-2008 BERLIN, Germany (NineMSN) Danish art show shut after Muslim threat. Authorities in Berlin have closed down an exhibition of works by the Danish art group Surrend after protests by Muslims, organisers said.

02-28-2008 TEHRAN, Iran (Spiegel) Iran to Punish Apostasy with Death. Apostasy — or the formal renunciation of religion — is already punishable in Iran with death. But now, Iran wants to make the death penalty for apostasy part of the penal code. The European Union is concerned and has asked Iran to reconsider.

02-28-2008 FALLS CHURCH, VA (Spiegel) Imam From Va. Mosque Now Thought to Have Aided Al-Qaeda Even before the 2001 terrorist attacks, American-born imam Anwar al-Aulaqi drew the attention of federal authorities because of his possible connections to al-Qaeda.

02-28-2008 MECCA, Saudi Arabia (Times, UK) Saudi professor faces lashes for having coffee with female 'student'. A university professor allegedly caught in a Saudi-style honey trap has been sentenced to 180 lashes and eight months in jail — for having coffee with a girl.

02-27-2008 LIVERPOOL, England (Daily Mail) Muslim medics refuse to roll up their sleeves in hygiene crackdown - because it's against their religion. Women medical students at Alder Hey children's hospital in Liverpool objected to rolling up their sleeves when washing their hands and removing arm coverings in theatre, claiming it is regarded as immodest.

02-27-2008 LAHORE, Pakistan (Hindu News) Top militant linked to assassination of Benazir Bhutto arrested. Pakistani authorities have arrested a top militant leader blamed by slain former premier Benazir Bhutto for plotting a suicide attack on her in the port city of Karachi in October last year.

02-26-2008 ANKARA, Turkey (BBC) Turkey in radical revision of Islamic texts. The country's powerful Department of Religious Affairs has commissioned a team of theologians at Ankara University to carry out a fundamental revision of the Hadith, the second most sacred text in Islam after the Koran.

02-20-2008 BAGHDAD, Iraq (IHT) 2 women bombers in Iraq had severe mental problems, U.S. says. Psychiatric case files of two female suicide bombers who killed nearly 100 people in Baghdad this month indicate that they suffered from depression and schizophrenia but do not contain information suggesting they had Down Syndrome, U.S. officials said.

02-15-2008 GAZA (WND) Muslims destroy YMCA, Christian books: 'We don't need any of these missionary institutions'. In the latest attack on Christians in Gaza, 16 Palestinians forced their way into the YMCA library, stole everything but Christian books and then burned down the building.

02-13-2008 BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) U.S. probes hospital link to bombings. Gen. Abboud Qanbar, the head of the Baghdad security plan, said the women most likely had Down's syndrome.

02-12-2008 COPENHAGEN, Denmark (Daily Mail, UK) Islamic terror suspects seized over plot to murder 'Mohammad' cartoonist. One of the three was a Dane of Moroccan descent, and two were Tunisian.

02-12-2008 LONDON, England (Spiegel) A Bishop Pleads for Islamic Law. With his plea for recognition of the Muslim legal system in Britain, the archbishop of Canterbury has outraged his people.

02-12-2008 PARIS, France (FT) Call for EU fund to protect victims of extremism. The French government will press the European Union to create a fund to protect individuals such as Ayaan Hirsi Ali, the controversial Dutch former MP, who are threatened by extremists.

02-12-2008 PARIS, France (AN) Former Dutch MP seeks French refuge. Former Dutch politician Ayaan Hirsi Ali, the target of death threats over criticism of radical Islam, said yesterday she had asked France to grant her citizenship because she could not be assured of protection at home.

02-12-2008 COPENHAGEN, Denmark (Jyllands-Posten) Murder plot against Danish cartoonist. Early Tuesday morning, Danish police arrested three men with a Muslim background suspected of conspiring to kill Kurt Westergaard, a Danish cartoonist with Morgenavisen Jyllands-Posten.

02-12-2008 BANGKOK, Thailand (CA) New Thai govt to consider self-rule for Muslim south. Thailand's new government will consider granting some degree of self-rule to Muslim-majority provinces hit by bloody separatist unrest, Interior Minister Chalerm Yubamrung said on Tuesday.

02-12-2008 COPENHAGEN, Denmark (CNN) 'Terror plot' to kill Mohammed cartoonist. The Danish Security and Intelligence Service said police arrested a 40-year-old Dane of Moroccan origin and two Tunisians.

02-12-2008 WASHINGTON,DC (Catholic) Archbishop of Canterbury Recommending Islamic Law? This time he allegedly affirmed the adoption of certain aspects of Islamic Law, or Sharia, for Britain, saying adoption was “unavoidable.”

02-11-2008 OXFORD, England (Reuters) Will Muslim call to prayer ring out over Oxford? A battle of faiths is being waged in the ancient English city of Oxford, where some people are bitterly opposed to Muslim plans to broadcast the call to prayer over the fabled dreaming spires.

02-11-2008 LONDON, England (Belfast Telegraph) Rowan Williams has shown us one thing – why multiculturalism must be abandoned. For five days now, the Archbishop of Canterbury has been chorusing: how do you solve a problem like Sharia? Ever since he suggested it is " unavoidable" – and desirable – for Britain to have Islamic courts ruling on Muslim family affairs, bashing the bishop has become a national sport.

02-10-2008 LONDON, England (Times, UK) Minister warns of ‘inbred’ Muslims. Medical research suggests that while British Pakistanis are responsible for 3% of all births, they account for one in three British children born with genetic illnesses.

02-10-2008 ANKARA, Turkey (GDN) Turkey lifts ban. Turkey's parliament yesterday lifted a ban on female students wearing headscarves at university, a landmark decision that some Turks fear will undermine the foundations of their secular state.

02-10-2008 LONDON, England (Telegraph, UK) Sharia law may result in 'legal apartheid'. Senior religious leaders attack multiculturalism and sharia law today, warning that they are "disastrous", socially divisive and are destroying Britain's culture and values.

02-09-2008 WASHINGTON,DC (Globalist) European Islam and Tariq Ramadan. Some in the West have voiced high hopes for the emergence of a European Islam, a version of the religion that would take into account European traditions and values.

02-08-2008 LONDON, England (Times, UK) Archbishop of Canterbury argues for Islamic law in Britain. The Archbishop of Canterbury came under fierce attack last night from the Government, his own Church and other religions after he advocated the adoption of parts of Sharia, or Islamic law, in Britain.

02-08-2008 TEHRAN, Iran (RI) Iran introduces law that imposes death penalty on converts. LEGISLATION has been brought by the government of President Mahmoud Amadinejad before the Iranian Majlis that would mandate the death penalty for apostates from Islam.

02-08-2008 COLORADO SPRINGS, CO (MMDN) Muslim Student Threatens Former Terrorist's Life at Air Force Academy. During the event a Jordanian college student, identified as Omar Khalifa of Metro International, approached Kamal Saleem and spoke to him in Arabic, "you are an enemy of Islam and you must die." The incident was reported to Military Police, who investigated Khalifa's threat.

02-08-2008 COLORADO SPRINGS, CO (Military) Muslims Protest Air Force Academy Guests. Shoebat, Kamal Saleem and Zachariah Anani are scheduled to speak Wednesday at the 50th Annual Academy Assembly in Colorado Springs, where the topic of the four-day event is "Dismantling Terrorism."

02-07-2008 RIYADH, SA (Times, UK) Religious police in Saudi Arabia arrest mother for sitting with a man. Yara, who does not want her last name published for fear of retribution, was bruised and crying when she was freed from a day in prison after she was strip-searched, threatened and forced to sign false confessions by the Kingdom's “Mutaween” police.

02-05-2008 MANCHESTER, England (Express, UK) Worker Sacked For Stopping Muslim ‘Insult’ To The Cross. A HOSPITAL porter was “devastated” last night after he was sacked following a row with a Muslim doctor over a crucifix.

02-04-2008 OTTAWA, Canada (Star) MPs denounce death sentence for Afghan journalist. The House of Commons has unanimously condemned a death sentence handed to an Afghan journalist and appealed for a halt to all legal proceedings against him.


01-30-2008 KABUL, Afghanistan (CNN) Afghan lawmakers back reporter's death sentence. The journalist, 23-year-old Sayed Parwez Kaambakhsh, was sentenced to death last week by a three-judge panel in the northern city of Mazar-i-Sharif for distributing a report he printed off the Internet to journalism students at Balkh University.

01-30-2008 BIRMINGHAM, England (Daily Mail, UK) Islamic extremist gang 'plotted to kidnap British Muslim soldier and behead him like a pig'. An Islamist fanatic plotted to snatch a British Muslim soldier from the streets and film him being beheaded "like a pig" in a lock-up garage, a court heard.

01-26-2008 NEW YORK, NY (Dinar Standard) Questioning "Shari'ah Conversion Technology": Yusuf Talal Delorenzo. He recently delivered a paper questioning the validity of a proposed structure whose purpose is to “wrap a non-Shari’ah compliant underlying into a Shari’ah compliant structure.”

01-24-2008 THE HAGUE, Holland (Telegraph, UK) Holland 'governed by fear of Islam'. A politician has warned that a "fear of Islam" is governing Holland after he delayed the release of a short film attacking the Koran.

01-24-2008 KABUL, Afghanistan (Telegraph, UK) Afghan journalist gets death for insulting Islam. The Taliban-style intimidation of Afghan newspapers came to the surface after a journalist was sentenced to death for distributing an article deemed to have "insulted Islam".

01-24-2008 MUMBAI, India (FoxNews) Muslim Cleric Issues Fatwa Against Bollywood Star for Wax Figure. Bollywood star Salman Khan had a fatwa issued against him for allowing Madame Tussauds in London to make his image in wax, the Daily Mail reported.

01-23-2008 LONDON, England (BBC) Three Little Pigs 'too offensive'. A story based on the Three Little Pigs fairy tale has been turned down by a government agency's awards panel as the subject matter could offend Muslims.

01-16-2008 WASHINGTON,DC (CNS) Congressmen Seek Answers about Terror Expert's Firing. Members of Congress are seeking more information regarding the firing of a top terrorism expert at the Pentagon following reports that he was dismissed for being too critical of Islamic law.

01-15-2008 YALA, Thailand (IHT) Suspected Thai Muslim rebels bomb market following deadly ambush of soldiers. The insurgency in mostly Buddhist Thailand's Muslim-majority deep south has taken the lives of more than 2,800 people since flaring up in January 2004.

01-10-2008 LONDON, England (FPM) Beheading in the Name of Islam Online. This month, Islam Online, a website that has mass popularity throughout the Muslim world, published a gruesome poem detailing how to behead a human being.

01-09-2008 FAIRFAX COUNTY, VA (WP) Critics of Saudi Academy Say Textbooks Promote Intolerance. Some textbooks used by an Islamic school in Fairfax County contain language intolerant of Jews and other groups as well as passages that could be construed as advocating violence, according to two reviews of the materials.

01-09-2008 WARRINGTON, England (Metro.co.uk) Muslim girl found dead in river 'beaten by parents'. A Muslim teenager found dead in a river after fleeing an arranged marriage had suffered years of beatings from her parents, an inquest heard today.

01-09-2008 MANCHESTER, England (Daily Express) Reprimanded, The Jp Who Asked Muslim To Remove Veil. Hussain made a formal complaint and yesterday Mr Murray, a JP for 12 years, was handed a formal reprimand by Justice Minister Jack Straw and the Lord Chief Justice.

01-08-2008 MIRFIELD, UK (BBC) Mayor apology over Muslim remarks. Robert Bennett also spoke of Muslim women wearing "black sack-like clothing" and said that Muslims wanted homosexuals to be shot.

01-08-2008 LEWISVILLE, TX (ABC News) 'Honor Killing' Motive for Slain Sisters?. ... the father's motive may have been some sort of an "honor killing" in the Muslim tradition. Specifically, the reported Westernized behavior of the teens, including the boys they dated, may have brought shame to a father said to be strict and religious, prompting the killings.

01-07-2008 LONDON, England (Telegraph, UK) Multiculturalism is breeding intolerance. However, few politicians have been willing to do what Michael Nazir-Ali has done, which is to question the impact of a growing Muslim population upon the very fabric of the nation

01-07-2008 PARIS, France (IHT) A Union of the West? Balladur says it's time. Here's his notion: The United States and Europe soon risk being overtaken by the rest of the world. To hold on to their place and value system, they ought to form an organic alliance, a Union of the West.

01-07-2008 BAGHDAD, Iraq (Compass) Iraq: coordinated blasts rock churches. Four Iraqi churches and three convents were damaged in coordinated bomb blasts in the morning of January 6, the day many Iraqi Christians celebrate either Epiphany or Christmas Eve according to some Eastern liturgical calendars. At least six people were injured, one seriously.

01-07-2008 ROCHESTER, England (Daily Mail) Islamic extremism creating 'no-go' areas for non-Muslims in Britain, says Bishop of Rochester. He warned against the acceptance in this country of Sharia laws based on the Koran and added that amplified calls to prayer from mosques are imposing an Islamic character on surrounding areas.

01-07-2008 WASHINGTON, DC (CP) Evangelicals Rebuke NAE Leaders over Islam Letter. The critical leaders include Dr. Albert Mohler, Gary Bauer, and Dr. Patrick Sookhdeo who voiced opposition to the apology in the letter for the sins of Christians during the Crusades and for “excesses” of the global war on terror, without mentioning Muslim acts of violence.

01-07-2008 KUALA, LUMPUR, Malaysia (AS) No Allah After All for Malaysian Christians. The Malaysian cabinet’s decision late last week to reinstitute the cancellation of a Roman Catholic newspaper’s publishing license for using the word “Allah” interchangeably with “God” in its Malay-language section has little to do with theology and a lot to do with Malay fears that Christians may be secretly converting members of the Islamic faith.

01-06-2008 OTTAWA, Canada (Reuters) Muslims test press freedom limits in Canadian case. The Canadian Islamic Congress, one of Canada's largest Muslim groups, says Maclean's, a popular Canadian weekly news magazine, subjected Muslims to hate speech with an article in October 2006 by best-selling author Mark Steyn that said a high Muslim birthrate, combined with Muslims "hot for jihad," could conquer a West that is unwilling to stand up for its civilization.

01-06-2008 NEW YORK, NY (NYT) Blind Faiths. Several authors have published books on radical Islam’s threat to the West since that shocking morning in September six years ago. With “The Suicide of Reason,” Lee Harris joins their ranks. But he distinguishes himself by going further than most of his counterparts: he considers the very worst possibility — the destruction of the West by radical Islam.

01-06-2008 LEWISVILLE, TX (AP) Slain sisters mourned at Christian, Muslim services. Some have speculated that the deaths may have been "honor killings," a practice in which a man kills a female relative who he believes has somehow shamed the family.

01-05-2008 KABUL, Afghanistan (Yahoo) Afghan clerics warn Karzai against missionaries. Afghanistan's Islamic council has told President Hamid Karzai to stop foreign aid groups from converting locals to Christianity and also demanded the reintroduction of public executions.

01-05-2008 BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) Christians from Iraq fear for homeland. Will current migration wave mark end of the Assyrian heritage?

01-04-2008 WASHINGTON, DC (AP) Coughlin sacked. Stephen Coughlin, the Pentagon specialist on Islamic law and Islamist extremism, has been fired from his position on the military's Joint Staff. The action followed a report in this space last week revealing opposition to his work for the military by pro-Muslim officials within the office of Deputy Defense Secretary Gordon England.