2003 Site Updates
12-26-2003 Added a book Samuel M. Zwemer, The Glory of the Cross, Marshall, Morgan & Scott, Ltd., London, England, 1928(?), pp.
12-20-2003 Added a
Mecca Certificate from S.W. Zwemer, Arabia: The Cradle of Islam,
3rd Edition, Fleming Revell Co., 1900, facing page 40.
12-19-2003 Added a book Samuel M. Zwemer,
Solitary Throne:
Addresses given at the Keswick
Convention on the Glory and the Uniqueness of the
Christian Message, Pickering & Inglis, London, England, 1937, pp.
12-17-2003 Added an Arabic language article entitled,
عن مُحَمَّدٍ التَّاريِخيّ, which is a translation of
Arthur Jeffery's article, The Quest of the Historical Muhammad, The
Muslim World, vol. 16: 327-48, 1926.
12-09-2003 Added a book Samuel M. Zwemer,
Moslem Women, The Central
Committee On The United Study Of Foreign Missions, West Medford, MA,
1926, pp. 272.
12-07-2003 Added a Farsi language book by Dr. William M. Miller,
مسيحيت چيست؟.
This book discusses the Christian belief in the Lord Jesus Christ. In English, the book is known as Beliefs and Practices of
12-03-2003 Added a gospel story, Over The Niagara Falls.
12-03-2003 Added a gospel story, Kalaloch’s Dangerous
12-03-2003 Added a gospel story, Three Dams.
12-01-2003 Added a 1.9 MB PDF file (Part 3, p. 587-893, this part completes the entire book) of an Arabic
معجزة القرآن : نظم
القرآن و الكتاب, whose English title is "Miracle of the
Qur'an : Composition of the Qur'an and the Book", by Dr. Youssef D.
al-Haddad. This literary work investigates the Muslim's claims that
the Qur'an is a miracle and inimitable.
11-18-2003 Added an Arabic testimony of An Egyptian who was a
member of the Islamic “El-Takfeer wal-Hijrah”,
عضواً فى جماعـة التكفيـر والهجـرة..!
11-03-2003 Added an article in PFD format entitled,
Response to Al-Warraq’s
'Attack against the Trinity'.
10-03-2003 Added some maps of
Arabia that note locations of interest in the history of Islam.
09-25-2003 Added a pamphlet by Edward Sell,
Ghazwas and Sariyas, In: The
Islam Series, The Christian Literature Society For India, London,
Madras, and Colombo, 1911, pp. 87.
09-21-2003 Added a book D.S. Margoliouth,
Mohammedanism, (Revised
1912), Thornton Butterworth Ltd., London, England, 1911, pp. 255.
09-20-2003 Added a gospel story,
The Taki Too at Tillamook
09-16-2003 Added a 1.9 MB PDF file (Part 2, p. 298-586) of an Arabic
معجزة القرآن : نظم
القرآن و الكتاب, whose English title is "Miracle of the
Qur'an : Composition of the Qur'an and the Book", by Dr. Youssef D.
al-Haddad. This literary work investigates the Muslim's claims that
the Qur'an is a miracle and inimitable.
09-09-2003 Added a book D.S. Margoliouth (1858-1940),
The Early Development of
Mohammedanism, Hibbert Lectures 1913, Williams and Norgate,
London, England, 1914, pp. 265.
09-06-2003 Added a book D.S. Margoliouth (1858-1940),
Mohammed and The Rise of Islam,
G. P. Putnam's Sons, London, England, 1905, pp. 481.
08-13-2003 Added a pamphlet by Edward Sell,
The Battles of Badr and Uhud,
In: The Islam Series, The Christian Literature Society For India,
London, Madras, and Colombo, 1909, pp. 69.
08-11-2003 Added a pamphlet by W. H. T. Gairdner,
The Muslim Idea of God, The
Christian Literature Society For India, Madras, Allahabad, Rangoon,
Colombo, 1925, pp. 46.
08-08-2003 Added a book by David Samuel Margoliouth (1858-1940),
Mohammed, The Christian
Literature Society For India, Madras, Allahabad, Rangoon, Colombo,
1925, pp. 189.
08-07-2003 Added a book by John C. Blair,
The Sources of Islam: An Inquiry Into
The Sources Of The Faith And Practice Of the Muhammadan Religion,
The Christian Literature Society For India, Madras, Allahabad,
Rangoon, Colombo, 1925, pp. 189.
08-03-2003 Added two new formats (PDF and MS Word document) for
the book by S. St. Clair Tisdall (1859-1928),
The Original Sources of the Qur'an.
07-28-2003 Added a PDF file (290 kB) of an Urdu language book, ,
whose title in English is "The Stoning Verses", by W. H. T. Gairdner,
p. 28. (Right click on link, and select, "Save Target as ..." to
save the file to your hard drive.)
07-28-2003 Added a PDF file (500 kB) of an Urdu language book, ,
whose title in English is "Muhammad and Christ Compared", by
G.L.Thakkur Dass, p. 40. (Right click on link, and select, "Save
Target as ..." to save the file to your hard drive.)
07-28-2003 Added a PDF file (330 kB) of an Urdu language book, ,
whose title in English is "Fifteen Lectures", by Allama Imad-ud-Din
Lahiz, (First 3 lectures). (Right click on link, and select, "Save
Target as ..." to save the file to your hard drive.)
07-26-2003 Added a book by Duncan B. Macdonald,
Aspects of Islam, Macmillan
Company, New York, 1911, pp. 375.
07-22-2003 Added an English audio (MP3) message entitled,
Emmanuel's Testimony
by Ali El-Shariff.
07-15-2003 Added a book by Edward Sell,
The Life of Muhammad, The
Christian Literature Society For India, London, Madras and Colombo,
1913, pp. 239.
07-12-2003 Added a PDF file (280 kB) of an Urdu language book, ,
whose title in English would be "Was Muhammad a Sinner?", by Allama
G.L.Thakkur Dass, 1905, pp. 24, (Right click on link, and select,
"Save Target as ..." to save the file to your hard drive.)
07-12-2003 Added a PDF file (660 kB) of an Urdu language gospel,
, whose
title in English is "The Gospel of Jesus Christ according to St.
John", (Right click on link, and select, "Save Target as ..." to
save the file to your hard drive.)
07-12-2003 Added a PDF file (870 kB) of an Urdu language gospel,
, whose title in English is "The Gospel of Jesus Christ according to
St. Luke", (Right click on link, and select, "Save Target as ..." to
save the file to your hard drive.)
07-05-2003 Added an article discussing the Time's magazine
article, Should Christians
Convert Muslims?
07-03-2003 Added a PDF file (208 kB) of an Urdu language book, ,
whose title in English would be "Communism and Christianity", by
Allama Barkat Ullah, pp. 43, (Right click on link, and select, "Save
Target as ..." to save the file to your hard drive.)
07-01-2003 Added a PDF file (550 kB) of an Urdu language book, ,
whose title in English would be "What Satisfies Human Instincts:
Islam or Christianity?", by Allama Barkat Ullah, pp. 248, (Right
click on link, and select, "Save Target as ..." to save the file to
your hard drive.)
07-01-2003 Added a PDF file (550 kB) of an Urdu language book, ,
whose title in English would be "Jesus Christ According to the
Qur’an and the Bible", by Allama Abdul Haqq, pp. 46, (Right click on
link, and select, "Save Target as ..." to save the file to your hard
06-27-2003 Added a book by Edward Sell,
The Faith of Islam, 3rd
Edition, Revised and Enlarged, Society For Promoting Christian
Knowledge, London, England, 1907, pp. 427.
06-09-2003 Added a PDF file (1.5 mB) of an Urdu language book, ,
whose title in English would be "The Qur'an Refuted", by Ram Chander
Dehlvi, pp. 154 (Right click on link, and select, "Save Target as
..." to save the file to your hard drive.)
06-03-2003 Added a PDF file (850 kB) of an Urdu language book, ,
whose title in English would be "Teachings of the Qur'an", by Allama
Barkat Ullah, pp. 94 (Right click on link, and select, "Save Target
as ..." to save the file to your hard drive.)
05-25-2003 Added a PDF file (308 kB) of an Urdu language book, ,
whose title in English would be "Law of Freedom", by J. Kristenson,
pp. 34 (Right click on link, and select, "Save Target as ..." to
save the file to your hard drive.)
05-25-2003 Added a PDF file (310 kB) of an Urdu language book, ,
whose title in English would be "A Prophet Like Moses", by Allama
Tayyeb Salim, pp. 40. (Right click on link, and select, "Save Target
as ..." to save the file to your hard drive.)
05-13-2003 Added a PDF file (0.5 mB) of an Urdu language book, ,
whose title in English is "The Qur'anic Doctrine of Sin", by W. R.
W. Gardner, p. 57. (Right click on link, and select, "Save Target as
..." to save the file to your hard drive.)
05-13-2003 Added a PDF file (2.0 mB) of an Urdu language book, ,
whose title in English is "The Historical Development of the
Qur'an", pp. 192. (Right click on link, and select, "Save Target as
..." to save the file to your hard drive.)
05-12-2003 Added an Arabic language book by
للشيخ يحيى بن عدي entitled
مقالة في
التوحيد whose English title would be "Essay on
Monotheism" by Sheikh Yahya Ibn 'Adi (893-974).
04-26-2003 Added a 2.1 MB PDF file (Part 1, p. 1-297) of an
Arabic book,
القرآن : نظم القرآن و الكتاب, whose English title is
"Miracle of the Qur'an : Composition of the Qur'an and the Book", by
Dr. Youssef D. al-Haddad. This literary work investigates the
Muslim's claims that the Qur'an is a miracle and inimitable.
04-26-2003 Added a gospel story,
A Close Encounter
With A Cougar.
04-21-2003 Added a PDF file (1.9 mB) of an Urdu language book, ,
whose title in English is "The Apology of Al-Kindy", pp. 240. (Right
click on link, and select, "Save Target as ..." to save the file to
your hard drive.)
04-16-2003 Added a response to a Muslim's comment,
Does the Qur'an
refer to Muhammad's sins?
04-15-2003 Added a gospel story,
Taj Mahal: Monument to
Eternal Love.
04-13-2003 Added an Urdu language book, ,
whose title in English is "The Sources of Islam", by William St.
Clair Tisdall, pp. 240.
04-06-2003 Added an Urdu language pamphlet, ,
whose title in English is "Battles of Badr and Uhud", by Canon
Edward Sell, pp. 80.
03-15-2003 Added an Arabic language pamphlet,
عقيدة الثالوث القويمة,
whose title in English is "Doctrine of Divine Trinity", by W.H.T.
Gairdner. pp. 67.
03-06-2003 Added a PDF file of the book by W.H.T. Gairdner (1873
- 1928), The Rebuke of Islam,
(Rewritten and Revised 5th Edition of The Reproach of Islam) United
Council for Missionary Education, London, England, 1920, pp. 248.
03-05-2003 Added W. R. W. Gardner's pamphlet,
The Doctrine of Man, Christian
Literature Society for India, London, England, 1913, pp. 48. It is
available in HTML, MS Word, and PDF formats.
03-03-2003 Added a gospel story,
Freedom is Not Free.
03-01-2003 Added W. R. W. Gardner's pamphlet,
The Qur'anic Doctrine of God,
Christian Literature Society for India, London, England, 1916, pp.
96. It is available in HTML, MS Word, and PDF formats.
02-24-2003 Added an Urdu language pamphlet,
, whose
title in English is, God as Triune, Creator, Incarnate, Atoner (A
Reply to Muhammadan Objections and an Essay in Philosophic Apology),
W.H.T. Gairdner. pp. 78.
02-07-2003 Added an article entitled,
Apostasy: Part II.
Apostasy Laws and Religious Liberty.
02-07-2003 Added an article entitled,
Apostasy: Part I.
What does Islamic Scholarship say?
01-30-2003 Added a pamphlet by W. R. W. Gardner entitled,
The Qur'anic Doctrine
of Salvation.
01-12-2003 Added a gospel story,
A Boat Overturned
on Hood's Canal.
01-05-2003 Added a book by Sigismund W. Koelle,
Mohammed and
Mohammedanism: Critically Considered.
Last edited 12/26/2003
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