2008 Site Updates
12-02-2008 Added an Arabic book
مَسيحُ القُرْآن وَمَسيحُ المُسْلمين (The Christ of the Qur’an &
the Christ of Muslims) by Joseph Qezzi.
11-14-2008 Added an Arabic book التشيُّعُ في الأندلس إلى نهاية ملوك الطوائف, "Shi'ism in Al-Andalus Until the Reign of Taifas") by Mahmud Ali Makki, which explores Shi'ism in Moorish Iberia, also called Al-Andalus, from the beginning until the reign of taifas.
11-13-2008 "The Way of Righteousness" (Doğruluk Yolu) Lessons 91 through 100 are now available in Turkish:
- İnsanın Soruları ve Tanrı’nın Yanıtları [Bölüm 2] (Man's Questions and God's Answers [Part 2])
- Mesih’in Öğrencilerinin Nasıl Yaşamaları Gerekir? (How Should Christ's Disciples Live?)
- İkinci İnceleme (Bölüm 1): Adem, Günah Sorunu (Review 1: Adam, the Problem of Sin)
- İkinci İnceleme (Bölüm 2): İman İle Doğru Sayılan İbrahim (Review 2: Abraham, Righteous by Faith)
- İkinci İnceleme (Bölüm 3): Musa, Tanrı’nın Kutsal Yasası (Review 3: Moses, God's Holy Law)
- İkinci İnceleme (Bölüm 4): İsa Mesih, "Tamamlandi!" (Review 4: Jesus Christ, "It is Finished!")
- Cehennem! (Hell!)
- Cennet (Paradise)
- İsa Hakkında Ne Düşünüyorsunuz? [Bölüm 1] (What Do You Think About Jesus? [Part 1])
- İsa Hakkında Ne Düşünüyorsunuz? [Bölüm 2] (What Do You Think About Jesus? [Part 2])
11-13-2008 "The Way of Righteousness" (Doğruluk Yolu) Lessons 86 through 90 are now available in Turkish:
- İsa Göğe Alınır (Jesus Ascends to Heaven)
- Kutsal Ruh Geldi! (The Holy Spirit Has Come!)
- İsa Geri Geliyor (Jesus is Coming Back!)
- İyi Haber (The Good News!)
- İnsanın Soruları ve Tanrı’nın Yanıtları [Bölüm 1] (Man's Questions and God's Answers [Part 1])
11-12-2008 "The Way of Righteousness" (Doğruluk Yolu) Lessons 81 through 85 are now available in Turkish:
- Son Akşam Yemeği (The Last Supper)
- İsa Tutuklandı (Jesus Is Arrested)
- İsa Yargılanır (Jesus Is Condemned)
- İsa Çarmıha Çivilenir (Jesus Is Nailed to the Cross)
- İsa Dirildi (Jesus Is Risen!)
11-12-2008 "The Way of Righteousness" (Doğruluk Yolu) Lessons 76 through 80 are now available in Turkish:
- İyi Çoban (The Good Shepherd)
- Tanrı’nın Yüreği (The Heart of God)
- Diriliş ve Yaşam (The Resurrection and The Life)
- İsa Yeruşalime Giriyor (Jesus Enters Jerusalem)
- Ağır Ama Gerçek Sözler (Hard and True Words)
11-12-2008 "The Way of Righteousness" (Doğruluk Yolu) Lessons 71 through 75 are now available in Turkish:
- Iki Önemli Benzetme (Two Important Parables)
- Yasam Ekmegi (The Bread of Life)
- Isa Ayrilmalar Neden Oluyor (Jesus Causes Division)
- Dünyanin Isigi (The Light of the World)
- Rabbin Yüceligi (The Lord of Glory)
11-07-2008 "The Way of Righteousness" (Doğruluk Yolu) Lessons 66 through 70 are now available in Turkish:
- Büyük Öğretmen (The Great Teacher)
- Yeniden Doğmanız Gerekir! (You Must Be Born Again!)
- Dünyanın Kurtarıcısı (The Savior of the World)
- İsa’nın Yetkisi (The Authority of Jesus)
- İsa’nın Gücü (The Power of Jesus)
11-06-2008 "The Way of Righteousness" (Doğruluk Yolu) Lessons 61 through 65 are now available in Turkish:
- Duyuru (The Announcement)
- Mesih Doğdu (The Messiah is Born)
- Kutsal Oğul (The Holy Son)
- Tanrı Kuzusu (The Lamb of God)
- Büyük Şifacı (The Great Healer)
11-06-2008 "The Way of Righteousness" (Doğruluk Yolu) Lessons 56 through 60 are now available in Turkish:
- Peygamber Yeremya (The Prophet Jeremiah)
- Peygamber Daniel (The Prophet Daniel)
- Peygamber Zekeriya (The Prophet Zechariah)
- Peygamberlerin Mesajinin Özeti (The Message of the Prophets Summarized)
- Peygamber Yahya (The Prophet John)
11-05-2008 "The Way of Righteousness" (Doğruluk Yolu) Lessons 51 through 55 are now available in Turkish:
- Mezmurlardan Bir Başka Örnek (More from the Psalms)
- Peygamber Süleyman (The Prophet Solomon)
- Peygamber İlyas (The Prophet Elijah)
- Peygamber Yunus (The Prophet Jonah)
- Peygamber Yeşaya (The Prophet Isaiah)
11-05-2008 "The Way of Righteousness" (Doğruluk Yolu) Lessons 46 through 50 are now available in Turkish:
- Samuel, Saul ve Davut (Samuel, Saul and David)
- Davut ve Golyat (David and Goliath)
- Kral Davut ve Tanrı’nın Vaadi (King David and God's Promise)
- Davut ve Bat-Şeva (David and Bathsheba)
- Peygamber Davut ve Mesih (The Prophet David and the Messiah)
11-03-2008 Added an Urdu book, سیدنا عیسی کی صلیبی موت ("The Crucifixion of Jesus Christ") by Allama Akbar Mashi.
11-02-2008 "The Way of Righteousness" (Doğruluk Yolu) Lessons 41 through 45 are now available in Turkish:
- İsraillilerin İmansizliği (The Israelites' Unbelief)
- Tunç Yılan (The Bronze Snake)
- Musa’nın Son Mesajı (Moses' Final Message)
- Yeşu ve Kenan Ülkesi (Joshua and the Land of Canaan)
- Hakimler ve Rut (Judges and Ruth)
10-24-2008 Added an Arabic book, تارِيخ الدَّوْلةُ العرَبيَّة: مِنْ ظُهُور الإِسلاَم إِلى نِهايَةِ الدّولةِ الأمَويَّة ("The Arab Kingdom and Its Fall"; Das Arabische Reich und sein Sturz) by Julius Wellhausen.
10-06-2008 Added the following three Urdu audio sermons:
More audio sermons are available here with an English index and here in Urdu.
10-06-2008 Added an Urdu book, براہین نیرہ: درباب صحت واصلیب بائبل ابطالِ دعویٰ تحریف بائبل ("Authenticity of the Bible," 1927) by Dr. Malawi Hashmat Ullah (ڈاکٹر مولوی حشمت اللہ).
09-25-2008 Added a 43-minute Urdu audio sermon, حضرت يعقوب کا اہلِ ايمان کو تبليغي خط ("The Letter of St. James").
09-23-2008 Added an Arabic book, كتاب مرشد الطالبين إلى الكتاب المقدس الثمين ("A Guide of the Inquirers Into the Precious Bible") by one or more unidentified authors. This is the third edition printed in Beirut in 1869.
09-19-2008 Added seven Urdu audio commentaries to our Questions and Answers page. Written questions are also available in English.
09-16-2008 Added an Urdu commentary, منجی عالمین کی آمد کے زمانہ میں یونانی رومی دنیا کا مذہبی پس منظر (Background of Greek and Roman Religions: In the Time of Jesus Christ) by Allama Barakat Ullah.
08-28-2008 Added a Farsi commentary, كتاب استر ("Esther"). It was translated from William MacDonald's Believer's Bible Commentary (1995 ed.). Many other chapters of the book are available on the main Farsi page.
08-12-2008 Added an Urdu-language MP3, کلامِ مجید کی روشنی میں میرا بھائ کون؟ (In the Light of the Word of God - Who is My Neighbor?).
08-11-2008 Added three Urdu-language discussions between Allama Johar and Allama Ahsan. The topics are:
08-11-2008 Added an Arabic book, الصِّلَةُ بَينَ التَّصوّفُ وَالتَّشَيُّع: النَّزَعاتُ الصّوفيَّة فِي التَّشَيُّع (The Correlation betwixt Sufism and Shi’ism: “The Sufi Tendencies in Shi’ism”) by Dr. Kamel Musṭafa Al-Shaibi.
08-07-2008 Added an Urdu testimony,
فدائےِ صلیب
(The Servant of the Cross) by Allama S.J. Imam Din.
08-06-2008 Added an Urdu-language discussion between Allama Johar and Allama Ahsan. They debate the question "Is Jesus the Messiah the Son of God?" (کیا حضرت عیسیٰ السلام اللہ تعالیٰ کے بیٹے ہیں۔) in this 15-minute-long MP3 file.
08-05-2008 Added two Farsi commentaries, كتاب اول سموئيل and کتاب دوم سموئیل. They were translated from "First Samuel" and "Second Samuel" in William MacDonald's Believer's Bible Commentary (1995 ed.). Many other chapters of the book are available on the main Farsi page.
07-24-2008 Added a Farsi commentary,
كتاب داوران, a translation of "Judges" from William MacDonald's Believer's Bible Commentary (1995 ed.). Many other chapters of the book are available on the main Farsi page.
07-16-2008 "The Way of Righteousness" (Doğruluk Yolu) Lessons 36 through 40 are now available in Turkish:
- Ateşler İçindeki Sina Dağı (Fiery Mount Sinai!)
- Kutsal Buyruklar (The Holy Commandments)
- Buyrukların Amacı (Purpose of the Commandments)
- İhlal Edilen Buyruklar (Broken Commandments)
- Buluşma Çadırı (The Tent of Meeting)
07-07-2008 Added
الصِّلَةُ بَينَ التَّصوّفُ وَالتَّشَيُّع: العَناصِرُ الشّيعيّة في التَّصوّف
(The Correlation Betwixt Sufism and Shi‘ism: “The Shi‘ite Elements in Sufism”), an Arabic book by Dr. Kamel Mustafa Al-Shaibi (الدكتور كامل مصطفى الشيبي). (Beirut, Lebanon 1982)
07-03-2008 "The Way of Righteousness" (Doğruluk Yolu) Lessons 31 through 35 are now available in Turkish:
- Firavun, “Rab Kim Oluyor?” (Pharaoh, "Who Is The Lord?")
- Belalar (The Plagues)
- Fısıh Kuzusu (The Passover Lamb)
- Denizin Ortasında Açılan Bir Yol (A Path Through the Sea)
- Çölde Yiyecek (Food in the Desert)
07-03-2008 "The Way of Righteousness" (Doğruluk Yolu) Lessons 26 through 30 are now available in Turkish:
- Yusuf’un Yükseltilmesi (Joseph's Exaltation)
- Yusuf: Öykünün Devamı (Joseph: The Rest of the Story)
- Tevrat’ın İlk Kitabının Yeniden Gözden Geçirilmesi (Review of the First Book of the Torah)
- Musa Peygamber (The Prophet Moses)
- Musa Tanrı ile Karşılaşıyor! (Exodus 3, 4)
07-02-2008 "The Way of Righteousness" (Doğruluk Yolu) Lessons 21 through 25 are now available in Turkish:
- İbrahim: Sodom’un Yıkılışı ve İshak’ın Doğumu (Abraham: Sodom's Ruin and Isaac's Birth)
- İbrahim’in Kurbanı (Abraham's Sacrifice)
- Esav ve Yakup: Geçici Olan ve Kalıcı Olan (Esau and Jacob: The Temporal and the Eternal)
- Yakup İsrail Olur (Jacob Becomes Israel)
- Yusuf’un Alçakgönüllülüğü (Joseph's Humiliation)
06-27-2008 Added a Farsi commentary,
کتاب روت, a translation of "Ruth" from William MacDonald's Believer's Bible Commentary (1995 ed.). Many other chapters of the book are available on the main Farsi page.
06-27-2008 "The Way of Righteousness" (Doğruluk Yolu) Lessons 15 through 20 are now available in Turkish:
- Babil Kulesi (The Tower of Babel)
- "Baslangiç"in Gözden Geçirilmesi (Review of "The Beginning")
- Tanri Ibrahim’i Neden Çagirdi (Why God Called Abraham)
- Tanri’nin Dostu Ibrahim (Abraham, God's Friend)
- Ibrahim ve Ismail (Abraham and Ishmael)
06-27-2008 "The Way of Righteousness" (Doğruluk Yolu) Lessons 11 through 15 are now available in Turkish:
- Tövbe Etmeyen Kayin (Unrepentant Cain)
- Peygamber Hanok (The Prophet Enoch)
- Nuh Peygamber: Tanrı’nın Sabrı ve Gazabı (The Prophet Noah: God's Patience And Wrath)
- Nuh ve Büyük Tufan (Noah and the Great Flood)
- Nuh ve Tanrı’nın Sadakati (Noah and the Faithfulness of God)
06-23-2008 The second five lessons of "The Way of Righteousness" (Doğruluk Yolu) is now available in Turkish:
- Adem ve Havva Ve Cennet Bahçesi (Adam and Eve and the Garden of Paradise)
- Günah Dünyaya Nasıl Girdi (How Sin Entered the World)
- Adem’in Günahının Sonucu (What Adam's Sin Produced)
- Harika Vaat (The Wonderful Promise)
- Kayin ve Habil: Kurban Tarzı (Cain and Abel: The Way of Sacrifice)
06-19-2008 The first five lessons of "The Way of Righteousness" (Doğruluk Yolu) is now available in Turkish:
- Tanrı Konuştu! — Giriş (God Has Spoken! — Introduction)
- Tanrı Nasıl Biridir? — Yaratılış 1 (What Is God Like? — Genesis 1)
- Şeytan ve Melekler — Yeşaya 14; Hezekiel 28 (Satan and the Angels — Isaiah 14; Ezekiel 28)
- Tanrı Dünyayı Nasıl Yarattı — Yaratılış 1 (How God Made the World — Genesis 1)
- Tanrı İnsanı Neden Yarattı — Yaratılış 1, 2 (Why God Created Man — Genesis 1, 2)
06-18-2008 "Tanrı Konuştu! (God Has Spoken!)," the first lesson of
"The Way of Righteousness" is now available in Turkish.
06-16-2008 Added a Farsi commentary, کتاب یوشع, a translation of "Joshua" from William MacDonald's Believer's Bible Commentary (1995 ed.). Many other chapters of the book are available on the main Farsi page.
06-16-2008 Added a Farsi commentary, مقدمهای بر کتابها تاریخی, a translation of "Introduction to the Historical Books" from William MacDonald's Believer's Bible Commentary (1995 ed.). Many other chapters of the book are available on the main Farsi page.
05-29-2008 Added a Farsi commentary,
دورة بين العهدين, a translation of "The Intertestamental Period" from William MacDonald's Believer's Bible Commentary (1995 ed.). Many other chapters of the book are available on the main Farsi page.
05-28-2008 Added an Urdu book, اناجیل اربعہ کی زبان اور چند آیات کا نیاترجمہ ("An Aramaic Approach to Four Gospels," 1953) by Allama Barakat Ullah.
05-28-2008 Added two Farsi commentaries, مقدمه بر اناجیل and رساله به عبرانيان, translations of "Introduction to the Gospels" and "The Epistle to the Hebrews" from William MacDonald's Believer's Bible Commentary (1995 ed.). Visit our Farsi page for more commentaries.
05-23-2008 The following six Farsi commentaries, translations of William MacDonald's Believer's Bible Commentary (1995 edition), have been updated. More commentaries are available on our Farsi page.
05-22-2008 Added four Farsi commentaries,
کتاب ميكاه نبي, کتاب ناحوم نبي, کتاب صَفَنیای نبی and کتاب زکریای نبی, translations of "Micah," "Nahum," "Zephaniah" and "Zechariah" from William MacDonald's Believer's Bible Commentary (1995 ed.). Visit our Farsi page for more commentaries.
05-21-2008 Added two Farsi commentaries,
کتاب عوبدياي نبي and
کتاب يونس نبي, translations of "Obadiah" and "Jonah" from William MacDonald's Believer's Bible Commentary (1995 ed., pp. 1,121-1,130). Many other chapters of the book are available on the main Farsi page.
05-21-2008 Added two Farsi commentaries,
کتاب هوشع نبي and
کتاب يوئيل نبي, translations of "Hosea" and "Joel" from William MacDonald's Believer's Bible Commentary (1995 ed., pp. 1,095-1,111). Many other chapters of the book are available on the main Farsi page.
05-20-2008 Added two Farsi commentaries, کتاب عاموس نبي and کتاب حبقوق نبی, translations of "Amos" and "Habakkuk" from William MacDonald's Believer's Bible Commentary (1995 ed., pp. 1,113-1,120, pp. 1,141-1,146). Many other chapters of the book are available on the main Farsi page.
05-20-2008 Added two Farsi commentaries, کتاب حَجّی نبی and کتاب ملاکی نبی, translations of "Haggai" and "Malachi" from William MacDonald's Believer's Bible Commentary (1995 ed., pp. 1,153-1,156, pp. 1,173-1,178). Many other chapters of the book are available on the main Farsi page.
04-17-2008 Added a Farsi commentary, مقدمهاي بر عهد عتيق, a translation of "Introduction to the Old Testament" from William MacDonald's Believer's Bible Commentary (1995 ed., pp 15-21). Many other chapters of the book are available on the main Farsi page.
04-16-2008 Added a Farsi commentary, مقدمهاي بر اسفار پنجگانه, a translation of "Introduction to the Pentateuch" from William MacDonald's Believer's Bible Commentary (1995 ed., pp 23-27). Many other chapters of the book are available on the main Farsi page.
04-08-2008 Added an Arabic book, أحزابُ المعارضة السّياسيّة الدّينيّة في صدرِ الإِسْلامِ: الخَوارِجُ وَالشِّيعة ("The Religio-Political Opposition Parties in Early Islam: The Khawarij & Shiites") by Julius Wellhausen.
04-08-2008 Added a Farsi commentary, رساله اول يوحنا, a translation of "The First Epistle of John" from William MacDonald's Believer's Bible Commentary (1995 ed., pp 2,307-2,327). Many other chapters of the book are available on
the main Farsi page.
04-07-2008 Added an Urdu book,
عالمگیر مذہب (The Universal Religion) by the late Rev. P. Kevel Singh Amar Sidhu.
04-04-2008 Lessons 46 through 50 of "The Way of Righteousness (طریق عدالت)" are now available in Farsi. They are:
- "Samuel, Saul and David (سموئيل، شائول و داود)"
- "David and Goliath (داود و جليات)"
- "King David and God's Promise (داود پادشاه و وعدة خداوند)"
- "David and Bathsheba (داود و بتشبع)"
- "The Prophet David and the Messiah (داود نبي و مسيح)"
04-01-2008 "Ka'ab Al Ahbar (كعبُ الأحبَار)," a book by Dr. Israel Ben Ze'ev, is available in our Arabic section. It explores the story behind a rabbi who converted to Islam when it was still in its infancy.
04-01-2008 Lessons 41 through 45 of "The Way of Righteousness (طریق عدالت)" are now available in Farsi. They are:
- "The Israelites' Unbelief (بيايماني بنياسرائيل)"
- "The Bronze Snake (مار برنجي)"
- "Moses' Final Message (پيغام آخر موسي)"
- "Joshua and the Land of Canaan (يوشع و سرزمين كنعان)"
- "Judges and Ruth (داوران و روت)"
03-29-2008 Lessons 36 through 40 of "The Way of Righteousness (طریق عدالت)" are now available in Farsi. They are:
- Fiery Mount Sinai! (کوه آتشین سینا!)"
- The Holy Commandments (ده فرمان مقدس)"
- Purpose of the Commandments (هدف از ده فرمان)"
- Broken Commandments (شكستن ده فرمان)"
- The Tent of Meeting (خيمه اجتماع)"
03-27-2008 Lessons 31 through 35 of "The Way of Righteousness (طریق عدالت)" are now available in Farsi. They are:
- "Pharaoh, "Who is the Lord?" (اي فرعون، خداوند کیست؟)"
- "The Plagues (بلایای مصر)"
- "The Passover Lamb (بره فصح)"
- "A Path Through the Sea (راهی از میان دریا)"
- "Food in the Desert (غذا در بیابان)"
03-26-2008 Lessons 26 through 30 of "The Way of Righteousness (طریق عدالت)" are now available in Farsi. They are:
- "Joseph's Exaltation (سربلندی یوسف)"
- "Joseph: The Rest of the Story (یوسف: و ادام���� دا����تان)"
- "Review of the First Book of the Torah (بازنگری کتاب اول تور����������ت)"
- "The Prophet Moses (موسی نبی)"
- "Moses Meets God (ملاقات موسی با خدا)"
03-25-2008 Lessons 21 through 25 of "The Way of Righteousness (طریق عدالت)" are now available in Farsi. They are:
- "Abraham: Sodom's Ruin and Isaac's Birth (ابراهیم: ویرانی صدوم و تولد اسحاق)"
- "Abraham's Sacrifice (قربانی ابراهیم)"
- "Esau and Jacob: The Temporal and the Eternal (عیسو و یعقوب: فانی و ابدی)"
- "Jacob Becomes Israel (یعقوب اسراییل میشود)"
- "Joseph's Humiliation (فروتنی یوسف)"
03-23-2008 Lessons 16 through 20 of "The Way of Righteousness (طریق عدالت)" are now available in Farsi. They are:
- "The Tower of Babel (برج بابل)"
- "Review of the Beginning (ممروری بر درسهای گذشته)"
- "Why God Called Abraham (چرا خدا ابراهیم را فرا خواند)"
- "Abraham, God's Friend (ابراهیم، دوست خدا)"
- "Abraham and Ishmael (ابراهیم و اسماعیل)"
03-21-2008 Lessons 11 through 15 of "The Way of Righteousness (طریق عدالت)" are now available in Farsi. They are:
- "Unrepentant Cain (قائن توبه نکرده)"
- "The Prophet Enoch (خنوخ نبي)"
- "The Prophet Noah: God's Patience and Wrath (نوح نبی: صبر و خشم خدا)"
- "Noah and the Great Flood (نوح و طوفان عالمگیر)"
- "Noah and the Faithfulness of God (نوح و وفاداریِ خدا)"
03-19-2008 Lessons six through 10 of "The Way of Righteousness (طریق عدالت)" are now available in Farsi. They are:
- "Adam and Eve and the Garden of Paradise (آدم و حوا و باغ بهشت)"
- How Sin Entered the World (چگونه گناه وارد جهان شد)"
- What Adam's Sin Produced (ثمرة گناه آدم)"
- The Wonderful Promise (وعدۀ عالی)"
- Cain and Abel: The Way of Sacrifice (قائن و هابیل: راه قرباني)"
03-18-2008 The first five lessons of "The Way of Righteousness (طریق عدالت)" are now available in Farsi. They are:
- "God Has Spoken (خدا سخن گفته است)"
- "What Is God Like? (خدا چگونه است؟)"
- "Satan and the Angels (شیطان و فرشتگان)"
- "How God Made the World (خدا چگونه جهان را خلق کرد؟)"
- "Why God Created Man (چرا خدا انسان را آفرید)."
03-12-2008 Added a Farsi commentary,
پيدايش, a translation of "Genesis" from William MacDonald's Believer's Bible Commentary (1995 ed., pp. 29-83). Many other chapters of the book are available on
the main Farsi page.
03-06-2008 Added an Arabic book,
طريق المحبين إلى قلوب المسلمين (A Loving Way Into the Hearts of Muslims) by Samuel M. Zwemer. This 103-page book was published first in Arabic and is a guide for inviting Muslims to Christianity.
02-21-2008 Added an Arabic book, تفسير إنجيل مرقس ("Expository Notes on the Gospel of Mark") by Harry A. Ironside (pp. 118). Additional commentaries by Ironside and other Christian books are available in the
Arabic section.
02-18-2008 Added an Arabic book, دراسات في الرسالة إلى العبرانيين ("Studies in the Epistle to the Hebrews") by Harry A. Ironside. (pp. 82)
02-18-2008 Added an Urdu book, میں نے اُسے باپ کہنے کی جرات کی ("I Dared to Call Him Father") by Bilquis Sheikh.
02-08-2008 Added a Farsi commentary, رساله به فليمون, a translation of "The Epistle to Philemon" from William MacDonald's Believer's Bible Commentary (1995 ed., pp. 2,147-2,153). Many other chapters of the book are available on
the main Farsi page.
02-06-2008 Added a Farsi commentary,
رساله دوم يوحنا, a translation of "The Second Epistle of John" from William MacDonald's Believer's Bible Commentary (1995 ed., pp. 2,329-2,332). Many other chapters of the book are available on
the main Farsi page.
02-05-2008 Added a Farsi commentary,
رساله دوم به تيموتائوس, a translation of "The Second Epistle to Timothy" from William MacDonald's Believer's Bible Commentary (1995 ed., pp. 2,107-2,129). Many other chapters of the book are available on
the main Farsi page.
02-04-2008 Added an Arabic book, في الإِسْلام الإيراني جَوَانب رُوحِيَّة وَفلسَفيَّة : الشِّيعة الاثنا عشريّة. This is the first volume of Henry Corbin's "In Iranian Islam: Spiritual and Philosophical Aspects" and deals with Twelver Shi'ism. The original four volumes were published in French.
01-22-2008 Added a Turkish book,
Tam Güvence, a translation of Harry A. Ironside's "Full Assurance."
01-10-2008 Added an Arabic book,
ريموند لل: أول مبشر بين المسلمين, a translation of Samuel M. Zwemer's biography of Raymund Lull, a 13th century Christian writer from Majorca.
01-07-2008 Added an Arabic article,
طعنة المسلمين للنجاشي by Malek Meselmany. Written in October 20, 2007, the article explores "The Muslims' Betrayal of An-Najashi (Negus)."
01-07-2008 Added an Arabic article,
عنصرية الإسلام: عندما يصبح غير المسلم نجساً (Racism in Islam: When Non-Muslims Are Considered Impure by Malek Meselmany, July 19, 2007).
01-04-2008 Added a Farsi commentary,
رساله يهودا, a translation of "The Epistle of Jude" from William MacDonald's Believer's Bible Commentary (1995 ed., pp. 2,337-2,347). Many other chapters of the book are available on
the main Farsi page.
01-02-2008 Added a Farsi commentary,
رسالات شباني, a translation of "The Pastoral Epistles" from William MacDonald's Believer's Bible Commentary (1995 ed., pp. 2,069-2,072).
01-01-2008 Added an Arabic book,
عُمَرُ بُنُ الخطّاب — السّيرة المتوارية (‘Omar ibn al-Khattāb — The Hidden Biography by Malek Meselmany, Syria, AL-Lādhiqīyah
2006, pp.302.).
01-01-2008 Added an Arabic book,
رسَائل الحكمة — المجلد الثّالث: حَمزة بن عَليّ، إسمَعيل التَّميميّ، بَهاء الدّين السّموقي (The Epistles of Wisdom Vol. III by Hamzah ibn ‘Alī, Īsma‘īl At-Tamīmī, Baha Ad-Dīn Assamūqī). This book can also be found in the "Hard Truth" section of the Arabic page.
01-01-2008 Added an Arabic book,
رسَائل الحكمة — المجلد الثاني: حَمزة بن عَليّ، إسمَعيل التَّميميّ، بَهاء الدّين السّموقي (The Epistles of Wisdom Vol. II by Hamzah ibn ‘Alī, Īsma‘īl At-Tamīmī, Baha Ad-Dīn Assamūqī). This book can also be found in the "Hard Truth" section of the Arabic page.
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