64-99; his call, 71; his character, 62 f., 71, 121, 161; claim to obedience, 96, 151 f.; his knowledge of Christianity, 67-69, 136; his fear of divine wrath, 88 f.; opportuneness of his borrowings, 101 f.; his originality, 69; his philosophy of religion, 130 f.; a poet, 97; a preacher of judgement, 69 ff., 86; his prophetic consciousness, 92, 95 f., 105, 124, 125, 152; his receptive attitude, 136 f; his self-encouragements, 77 f.; his sincerity, 87, 101 f., 198; a social reformer, 83; his use of unfamiliar words, 51
Mu'min, 75
Mundhir, Ghassanide, 22, 23
Mundhir, king of Hira, 27, 37
Musailima, 61
Muslim, 75
Mutakallimin, 215
Mu'tazilites, 215
Mysticism in Islam, 200

Nabidh, 145
Nabigha, 45
Najran, 34, 36 f., 38, 68, 178, 182
Nasara, 149
Nationality, appeal of, 12, 183 f. Nestorius, 9 f.
Nestorians, 10, 25 f., 38, 212
New Testament, Muhammad's knowledge of, 110, 140 f.
Nicæra, Council of, 2 f.
Night-journey of Muhammad, 199
Night-vigils, 143
Nisibis, 24, 213
Nu'man, king of Hira, 27

Old Testament, Muhammad's knowledge of, 103, 109 f., 126, 128
Omar, caliph, 171, 176, 177, 181
Omayyads, 180 f., 185, 212 f.
Orphan, in Qur'an, 78, 81 f.


Paganism, had lost hold in Arabia, 53 f.
Parables in Qur'an, 114, 140; in Tradition, 196
Paradise, 53, 90, 103
Paul, apostle, visit to Arabia, 15
Persecuting spirit in the Church, 5 f.
Persian Empire, Christianity in, 25; its influence in Arabia, 35
Person of Christ, doctrine of, 7 f.
Pethion, 26
Pharaoh, 103, 108
Phemion, 34
Pilgrimage, 54, 65, 74, 146
Poetry, pre-Islamic, its conventional character, 46; Christianity in, 43 ff.
Political influences in Arabia, 35, 42
Poor, in Qur'an, 81 f.
Prophets in Arabia, 59 f.
Prophets, former, 108, 114, 128, 132
Protevangelium Jacobi, 110

Qadar, 209
Qadarites, 209
Qara', 51, 90
Qasis, 50
Qass, 195
Qibla, 144
Quraish, 65, 72, 83, 204
Qur'an, 51, 90 f., 142
Qur'an, the, 55, 65, 66, 105, 118, 125; devotional recitation of, 98, 143; doctrine of Eternal, 210 f.; style of, 96 f.; 125

Rabb, 117
Rahbaniyya, 153
Rahib, 50
Rahma, 116
Rahman, 52, 116 f.
Ramadan, fast of, 124, 145
Raqqa, 171, 176
Resurrection, 87, 106
Revelation, Muhammad's idea of, 95 f., 100, 104, 105, 120, 125 f.



Roman Empire, Muhammad's attitude to, 137
Rugz, 88

Sabbih, 51, 144
Sabi'in, 60, 148
Sadaqa, 176
Sajah, 61
Salat, 51, 91, 142; as-salat al-wusta, 142
Salih, 107
Samau'al, 49
San'a, 40
Scripture, 91, 93, 94; corruption of, 126, 156
Seven sleepers, legend of, 112
Severs, 20
Shi'a, 205
Signs, 108 f., 112, 124
Simeon of Beth Arsham, 37
Simeon Stylites, 19
Social reform in Qur'an, 79 f.
Sophronius, 165
South Arabia, 33 ff., 61
Suf, 201
Sufi'ism, 201
Suhuf Ibrahim wa-Musa, 94; as-Suhuf al-ula, 94
Sunna, 192
Supreme Deity, idea of, in Arabia, 53, 56
Surah, 51, 52 n.
Sura, 50
Syria, 18 ff., 165

Tadhkira, 105
Taghlib, tribe, 27, 180, 185
Talmud, Muhammad's know ledge of, 110
Taurat, 139; v. Old Testament
Tazakka, 51, 80, 87


Thamud, 103
Theodore, Monophysite bishop 21
Theology, Moslem, 207 f., 215
Theophilus, 34 f.
Theotokos, 9
Traditions, Moslem, 66, 71, 191 f.; Biblical material in 193; Christian material in 191 ff.; edifying sayings in 192
Tribute, amount of, 174, 176, 187
Trinity, doctrine of, 3, 7, 158
Tulaiha, 61
Tyre, Synod of, 20

'Ubaid Allah b. Jahsh, 58
Ullais, 173
Umayya b. Abi as-Salt, 49
Unbelief, chief sin in Muhammad's estimation, 86
Uthman b. Huwairith, 58
'Uzza, 55

Virgin Mary, 110, 132, 139,153
Visions, Muhammad's, 92 f.

Waraqa b. Naufal, 57
Warning, in Qur'an, 84, 88, 105, 124
Wine, 43; prohibition of, 145

Yahud, 149
Yaman, v. South Arabia
Yunus, 110

Zaid b. 'Amr b. Nufail, 58
Zakat, 80, 144 f., 176
Zuhair, 47 f.